This looks lovely! Nice to see this finally become available
This looks lovely! Nice to see this finally become available
Ah, good to know! I never really go into Gundam. Will have to learn more!
Arthur C. Clarke novel:…
Throw in a few paper face masks for the residual fuel odor, and count me in.
Well played Rama reference. Came here for this... was not disappointed
Came here to post exactly this.
Is that Rutledge Wood?
Wait... The Enzo is HOW old?
Quite a lot of people were killed in that photo... Just sayin. Maybe not the best choice
Love that Ghia
As the overtaking vehicle it is your responsibility to pass in a safe manner, whether it be automobile, motorcycle, bicycle, kid on a skateboard, etc. Passing anyone/thing when there is oncoming traffic is never a good idea
Great points. It’s refreshing to see so many urban areas in the US start to put a focus on building cycling specific infrastructure. It will take a while for it to come to fruition, but we’ve started, which is (IMO) the biggest hurdle.
Nice write up, thank you! I’ve driven neutral support and sag wagons for countless regional races and large charity rides/gran fondos. I don’t think you can understate the amount of awareness needed, as a driver, especially when in the thick of an event. Between racers/riders, other vehicles, spectators, etc. there…
They aren’t there to give stuff away... They expect to get the wheel/bike/whatever back after the race. Did your friend keep the wheel?
Trickle down. Because in +/-10 years the unobtaniumtech that you see in the Ageras, P1s, and LaFerraris of our world will be implemented in the beigemobiles of the future.
You know, I hadn’t really noticed that, until now.
Came here just for this. Did not disappoint.