
Automatic download actually did the job. I just had the short install wait time.

I didn't care much for the controls in the first game. Anyone who played inFamous before Prototype was extremely critical of Prototype

I'm still not sure it looks as good The Show did last year. However it is much improved

TJ Maxx will not be selling these much longer. Apple will purchase one, track the serial number, and prevent the company selling them to TJ Maxx from doing so again.

I haven't had issues quickly connecting to games so I imagine I will start having issues now

I would like my iPhone to be able to subscribe to Podcasts and download automatically from the iTunes app.

@adam483t: I believe Sony does fine in America

It's the first weekend for Black Ops so I'll be playing that. The first weeked is the best as everyone is still trying to get their feet wet and learning the maps in MP. Lots of people have begun finishing the single player so I'm hoping for plenty of new people running around in circles.

That's a lot of people. I haven't seen more than 500k online at one time on the PS3, but I wasn't on during it's peak time. Either way, I'm sure it's no where close to 3 million

But did they run out of Alcohol? That would have been a cause for panic

Battle of the Hair between both music games.

@Vulcain: Ive experienced zero issues. No lag, one successful host migration, very few campers, only one death to a sniper and zero deaths to noob tubes. Granted, it's still early and most people haven't unlocked much.

I can't stop playing MP. It feels different somehow. In a good way. Infinity who?

I got bored of all three after a week. The Wii is never played and the other consoles have had their camera systems put away and I'm back to traditional gaming with a controller.

Very unfortunate. It had to be very traumatic for everyone caught in the middle. If gamestop charged a $5 surcharge for every launch day copy so they can hire third party security, I won't complain. Activision could give GS some sweet exclusive DLC to compensate.

@Skint0n3: Expect to be tracked down by law enforcement for questioning. Just saying.

I will never do a Gamestop CoD midnight launch again. Nothing like

My girlfriend tried the demo and watched me play several parts buy expressed zero interest in the game. She much prefers LBP and Fat Princess

Which ping pong is better. Move or Kinect?

They can produce and ship 10 sequels to this game in the time in creates on GT5. Financially, those 10 crappy games would make more than one extremely awesome game.