
There is nothing real about these reality TV shows. At least not anymore. They are all trying to progress their acting careers. When Hollywood recognized reality stars, that''s when it all ceased being real. Reality TV stars (and I use star loosely) are on the covers of all the magazines, appear on talk shows, and

With that title, how can you not read this?

@DunnCarnage: Not quite all, there's going to be some confused people in the Central time zone

This sounds like an ambitious task. I wish you guys the best.

@WolfRogers: I don't know anything about television, but if an ad campaign is so wildly successful here, wouldn't it be just as successful over seas? At least in English speaking countries.

Are you telling me they don't have Kevin Butler? Oh boy, I feel bad for our European friends.

@Decoy_Doctorpus: It is against the rules. Punishment for rule breakers is far less severe now. He was banned for life while people cheating with steroids just get slap on the hand suspensions. Pete Rose didn't affect the outcome of the game because of the betting whereas these juicers do. And they alter the record

@Covenant: I agree. So many juicers will eventually be in there as well. Those players discraced the game far worse than Pete Rose ever did

It will boil down to which method has the better game library. Currently it looks as if the PS3 wins that.

I like sports games a lot, but I never employ real world strats. For example,

Ah yes, but does it prevent fires?

When did it change from beer to root beer?

I love R&C, but I'm not big into online co op so I'll probably have to skip this

@thePrototype: That is pretty cool. Now I just need a larger pool to justify one of these. If I owned this, it would be like driving a new Mercedes while living in government housing.

Get back to me when this thing learns to swim. I always hated cleaning the bottom

@Alex_Mexico: Those kids didn't have the Internet either to help them when they were stuck. I was one of them. I played through the game so many times

They don't have to spend as much. Microsoft has to sell a new concept while Sony only has to promote an improved concept.

@Pornosaur: It's not Move exclusive. Last I heard is that only certain bonus levels supports it. I'm really hoping that it'll be compatible in Create to help make levels a little easier. Details have been very vague so far.

@amazingmao: I agree, they might have been cheap shots, but they have been freaking hysterical. The other companies are just as guilty of this, but Sony is taking a clever approach. I own each console so I can laugh at the short comings of each one of them.

@truthtellah: Do it!!! If Kevin Butler says so, who are we to disagree. I recommend the smaller hard drive model, and then purchase a 500GB to replace it.