
I think the question is if Apple wants the number one OS, or the number one phone.

The mythbusters proved man was on the moon, yet some people still believe it is a conspiracy. No matter how what they say about Aeris there will be people who will refuse to believe it.

I'm going to say this is fake. Within a week it will come out. It's just a girl, or HOPA, who's trying to get her name and face out there.

I got the iPhone version which is the same thing. I preferred having gameflow turned on. I also find the running game to be much easier in this version compared to the console version.

@webhead0626: I just signed up for the free trial and discovered that games are not available for the first four months they are out. Not one game released after April was available. This will fail. Gamers won't be interested in this. Maybe people who already have the movie rental service will dig it, but it's not

I just signed up. Figure I'd give it a try. I got a 3 out at a time plan for only $16.99 compared to Gamefly's $29.99 for the same thing. So the price is perfect.

Maybe we can get the band out on the field

@Hello Mister Walrus: Yes, they are more expensive, but, they can make a lot back in used game sales. Take Black Ops for example. They would have 10,000 copies at launch. Six months later they can sell half that inventory off because the demand is less.

$15 a month for one game out at a time with Gamefly? They are crazy. People will spend the majority of that month without a game. I had to do four games out at a time just to make sure I had something at my home at all times, and even then, it wasn't always a guarantee.

@Hello Mister Walrus: I have not tried Blockbuster's DVD service but I'm curious how quick they can turn around on games and what availability would be like.

@Altima NEO: Gamefly's availability of newer games is a joke. I typically have to wait until a game is 3-6 months old before getting it.

The problem with Gamefly is how slow they are and the availability of games. If Blockbuster can offer faster turn around times and a better quantity of newer games there is no reason why they couldn't succeed online. B&M stores will still be in trouble.

@The Anti-Fanboy: The Exploding crossbow is what threw me off. I saw him shoot it thinking he missed since the enemy didn't die or it was going to require a second shot, but no, everything went boom. Didn't expect that.

Apple doesn't believe there is an antenna problem.

Look at the technological advances witnessed in the past 10 years alone. Give us 20x that amount of time and I feel we'll be well equipped to spread our "eggs".

@CaptainJack: But what if I decided I didn't want the warranty and feel that having a jailbroken phone is worth giving up the warranty for? And if I did have issues with the phone needing repair, I pay for it. Because to me, it's worth it. I'll take the chance that my phone doesn't break.

I'm waiting for the Madden iPhone version also releasing on Tuesday. Ordinarily I don't care, but they have competition on the iPhone unlike other platforms and currently NFL 2011 is the best football game on the platform at the moment.

Samurai sells in Japan like Zombies do in the States

The long load times were never the issue for me. Maybe I'm just more of a patient type. The difficulty is what got me steaming. Thankfully they added a casual mode.

The last game was on the bottom of the least played Wii games among people who own it and with a focus on the story over the actual fitness leads me to believe this will suffer the same fate.