
Kinda reminds me of the mosaic Bender put all around town in the last episode of Futurama

Stick Jockey is my favorite column on Kotaku.

I don't know. I think it looks better. Last time I saw, wax figures don't move and Arnold was bizarro long before this remastering.

I never noticed this game before. It has an interesting art style that appeals to me. If I had a wii, I'd get this

Did the first one sell that many copies? I was convinced it would be a one and done.

Finger pointing is easy. Doesn't require you to say anything

I won't care by that point. I'm officially joining team Treyarch.

He just ruined all his chances of ever being in the same category as Jordan, Bird, or Magic. Being part of this trio will only tarnish what could have been an amazing legacy. If he wins a championship, it won't be because of LeBron. It'll be on the same team that Wade brought the championship to Miami a few years

How can you get excited when this is the same thing as everything else with just a different title. I'm pretty sure I'm seeing some of the same characters as well. I can't be sure since I haven't played a GH game in a long time.

@214w: I felt this way playing EQ2. To be successful you have to get into a great guild to experience the most fun content. But for that to work you need such a high level of dedication from everyone to the point where it starts to feel like a second job.

The best part of this site is the late night articles and Owen's weekend reporting is nice. Some of the best posts are late. They often ask open ended questions and invoke more thought.

@Ultraseamus: I don't mind this method. I think Kotaku is a little more reluctant at handing out stars. I see commentors get starred on Giz quite often. We'll get it eventually.

It's this game that makes me wish I had the 360. I know, I have odd tastes.

I've seen plenty of business in the United States struggle at keeping English the spoken language.

@Crrash: People used to say I was crazy for not having a land line for phone service. It was just as shocking to people 15 years ago to hear that.

I only played the original arcade version before it even came to consoles. I went through a lot of quarters due to that game. I don't know how well it progressed from the first version, but it is a simple but effective premise that would be hard to make bad

@muscletower: I agree with your list. I hope Modnation Racers does well over time.

A google search of my name brings up an obscure porn actor. I just hope he doesn't play WoW as well.