
I think everyone saw this coming. I believe Jesus probably had a draft already prepared.

@Dezerus Richardson: I read the article. The MPAA is the one offering the small reward forcing the theater manager to over react

The game looks confusing to me. Mostly because I have never played Portal.

It's no wonder the MPAA can't stop piracy. Not if they are looking at 22 year old girls going to a very crowded movie theater with a cell phone .That just goes to show they don't know what they are looking for. Usually, they aren't even in the US either.

Can we get a old drunken wife beating Charlie Sheen to be the villain in upcoming sequel?

The buffalo are only located in one area of the map. They are never anywhere else. They don't move or relocate. 30 days into the game and they are still standing on the same square footage.

I loved Heavy Rain. I've completed the game several times and experienced every ending, but the addition of Move support is not going to get me to play the game again. I want content, not gimmicks, and I certainly don't want to be deprived content because of gimmicks.

These types of additions can only be tolerated for a short period of time before the players get bored and go back to increasing numbers. And when the numbers stop increasing they'll find something else to grind. But mini games will not hold the interest of players no matter how cool they sound.

Sony should be working on improving comfort on these. I find them the least comfortable glasses so far. Haven't seen a set from LG yet so if anyone tried them I'd be interested in feedback.

I HATE games that don't give me the option to skip cut scenes. Some games have fun gameplay but horrible stories.

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: I usually don't. The story has to be really good for me to watch them. Uncharted 2 and MGS 4 were enjoyable for me. Red Dead Redemption and FF13 I hated. I loved the games themselves but stopped paying attention to the cut scenes or flat out skipped them

I viewed Heavy Rain as one long playable cut scene. As pointed out, that's generally the time you invest emotional connections with the characters and story itself. Heavy Rain is really the first game I achieved this during actual gameplay

Unless they give me a damn good reason I'm ok with the old standard. They couldn't come up with a better name for a standard?

I question the use of that particular shade of blue. Other than that, they are pretty cool.

@Sam-urai: I could see that being very useful. Of course they are banking on people keeping it much longer than a day or two. And knowing myself, that would be me.

This is a horrible deal IMO. I ended up keeping BFBC 2 for six weeks through Gamefly because I couldn't put it down. That would have been $88 from Redbox.

I'm guessing Sony and Microsoft are not getting a kickback from Hulu per subscription. Otherwise they would make it available to everyone with a free account.

They have been making a fortune off the PSN for years now so losing a little money off the hardware in order to make a ton off the PSN is a good trade off

It's probably because it's the most common bird and one of the achievements/trophies required shooting each animal type. In the process of getting that, you kill a lot of crows since it's hard to tell bird types apart.

For $10 a month I would be happier adding another premium channel on my satellite package. Between them and Netflix, I don't see a reason for Hulu to be hones.