
Wow, what a limited worldview you have.

Except that a woman cannot get pregnant (without medical intervention) without a man, sooooo.....

You don’t see an issue in targeted ads to you telling you what to do with your health? That you can’t opt out of? That you didn’t sign up for? to your PERSONAL cell phone?

Flag the photos for obscenity? If nipples aren’t allowed surely that can’t be?

Being gay or bisexual does not mean you have a disorder. No.

No, they aren’t. The feminist worldview is that your boner is not my obligation. The friend zone does not exist.

“People being led on” happens when the crusher never tells the crushee what is going on in their head.

The friend zone doesn’t exist. The friend zone is what happens when (USUALLY, but not always) dude expects a woman to want to fuck him just because they are friends, but never mentions it to her then eventually blows up. The idea that being merely a “friend” is undesirable is so unbelievably devaluing of another

If you’re lying, what is the point of it? It’s a waste of everyone’s time.

This sounds exactly like the company I work for and I’m very curious if you’re someone I worked with or if this is more rampant than I want to believe.

The problem with this is in small businesses, where the HR person is also the office manager is also the owner’s wife.

Millennial here. When was the last time you heard of a job paying us appropriately? There have been countless studies showing that many of the reasons for millennials to “job hop” is due to being refused the opportunity to get a raise, so asking for more money at a new job.

You need to fucking relax.

My opinion is that my employer hasn’t listened to a single thing I’ve brought up during the time I’ve worked here, and that’s why I’m leaving. It doesn’t matter how old you are. People leave jobs for one reason: A better opportunity came alone—monetarily or environment wise.

Well, he’s rightfully depicted as a creep because he was dating someone who was not legally of age.

Oh please, all four parties got exactly what they wanted from their respective relationhips.

Is it because their batteries are low? Or is it because it’s likely late at night when people really want to go home, which is also usually when phone batteries start to die (after a long day?).


You sound like a mean person.

And some people can’t afford to lose their job for whatever bullshit reason their boss makes up when you sue them over dress code.