
;_____; Thank you so much! I’m pumping love vibes your way! :3

I always want hugs! -hugs back- Thank you! <3 <3 <3

I don’t want to make this about me but .. two days ago, I told someone off for using the word tran*y and was instead subjected to more transphobic commentary, and this was someone who I was close to, and I was coming out to them. I identify as genderqueer and this interview & along with what I had to go through two

Oh no.

.... I’m sorry but .. ew.

I lol’d at MAXIMUM BROOD. A lot.

I know so many people who want this series gone, but fuck them to hell, I am so fucking stoked for this. Even with that ridiculous name.

Nah, they’re just perverts.

I'm tooooooooooootally okay with Louis CK not hosting The Daily Show. Because fuck his shitty fucking noise.

Considering it's Russell Crowe, he probably deserved it. Wish Michael could prank call him now with all the free time he's got.

Wish I had your mentality. I had to have a conversation with myself to get up and .. satisfy my cravings for chocolate chip cookies. And I still didn't win. Even chocolate chip cookie cravings didn't coerce me out of bed. /:

Okay, now see, THAT is beast mode to me. Like, my period pains are sometimes blinding, as it was last night, but still .. the thought of lifting weights has me exhausted. How you do that is beyond me and that makes me wish we were friends. :(

God damn it, I needed that today! Many thanks, you lovely person! <3

Currently on my first day of bleeding and it's 4:18 A.M, I've just smashed through a 2000 word essay on a Friday night. No period or amount of pain is going to stop me from accomplishing my tasks.

Okay, I actually let out a bark of laughter there.

You can only torrent it after the blu-ray is released, which is annoying because you'd like to watch uncensored episodes as it releases. I was ridiculously annoyed at the censorship with Tokyo Ghoul (while I did agree that some bits were quite gruesome for people who cannot deal with blood and gore — of sorts) but ..

The only fermented drink I like my wine.

What the fuck is Kombucha? Sounds nasty.

Shailene Woodley continues to inform us that she still does not understand what feminism is.

I saw neither. Even with red bull and coffee flowing through my body, I passed the fuck out.