
You don't have to be Sarkeesian to note how ridiculous that position was. I mean, sure, it's not harmful representation of females but it's just so stupid, that pointing it out is almost necessary. To what lengths will devs go to create distinguishing masculine and feminine traits.

Oh, I know. I was told off for supporting her points because her views apparently negated "freedom of art". Good grief, way to miss the point. Sarkeesian's views are so simple, it's kind of incredible GG doesn't get that.

GG would have to say quite a bit about that.

I can't beliiiiiiiiiiiiiieve I went to a school that had us wear a light blue shirt and a grey pinifore. And then they decided that that combination wasn't ugly enough, they changed it to a light blue shirt and khaki coloured skirt, navy blue and white striped tie and ...

lmfao, I love the internet.

I feel like you've ran off to a place where no one can follow.

Shut up, I want that fucking bowl.

LOL looks like tumblr in 2012.

Fuck this. I'm so angry and heartbroken for these beautiful people.

All I see are heterosexuals. Ew.

Oh, come off it, Azealia. You're fooling no one, not even yourself.

This just keeps getting better and better.

Um. Sia has social anxiety and Grave's disease. Please stop it.

Iggy Azalea is doing herself no favours with that hairdo. I can practically hear the black community on tumblr laughing their asses off at her.

Most likely orange in colour with Om being a deep red. Printed everywhere. Or kurtas, LORD THE KURTAS.

What IS their fascination with Teva sandals? They look nasty.

What the fuck, white people?

........... I'm so tired right now.

It's four now, and ... I have a glass of red. Yas.

I'd worry a little, to start drinking at 2.30 in the afternoon.