
So butthurt, so beautiful.

"And in today's most sigh inducing awkward news, a woman who campaigns for the 'rights' of women that many women do not want."

I mean, the only rational decision to such a situation is to set the house on fire, right?

....... nope.

I laughed through this entire post.

It's awesome you feel that way! Another question, if that's alright, even though you were born in the States, you do have a Japanese cultural background. Do you face any negativity from your community, from Japanese-Americans or Japan (this is assuming people in Japan watch you) and how do you deal with it?

Hi Asa! Apologies in advance if you have answered this but, did you feel empowered being in the porn industry as a woman, considering the double standard of men being lauded for having a lot of sex but not women? And if people put you down for being in the porn industry, how did you combat it? :)

To be perfectly honest, Nature Valley's granola bars are the most tastiest granola bars I've ever had so yeah, I'm down with this.

I was JUST thinking that when I saw your reply. Laughter ensued.

Now playing

Psh. These guys have got NOTHING on BabyMetal.

Nope nope, you're actually pretty right. I couldn't stand her singing in the movie or anywhere else. I prefer everyone else's version of the song except her. In the movie, she sounded like she was scream singing and it was painful. And don't get me how much I hate her live voice. -grumbles-

I would totally get down with Dexter, omelette du fromage and all.

Indians wash their asses with water every time after taking a shit. -shrugs- You poor bastards.

"It is morally wrong to be obese."

Pretty much. I don't think JT's new song is worth seven minutes but I just find it odd that people are so bothered about it. Don't like the song? Change the channel, it's that simple. "What Goes Around Comes Around" was a 6 minute single if I remember correctly and people ate that shit up. I just don't see what the

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