
Good points

Love this man, so much class. I miss a lot too.

Fully concur. And that was the saddest story on tv i’ve seen. Without it being a tragedy.

This was awesome and thanks for doing the math. And being civil.

Why is this shit going on? Why are racist even around? Do they really think their god is white? It came from the middle east... let’s actually see how well this goes when they incur god’s wraith. Gods going back to the old testament and it’s goingvto be biblical.

While i love these. Overall, it’s better without them. Games are just so complex these days, writing instructions without a tutorial in hand is tough. It’s less trees killed, as we could have it digitally, if wanted and possibly smaller packaging. I don’t get why such large packaging for just a disc or tiny cartridge.

Black hand = court of owls, 2 years later

I believe the teens. I am disoriented for a bit after waking up and it’s easy to get in a frame of thought. Plus, if they were innocent and shot at... why would they be in trouble.

Now thatbyou point itvout. Yes it was, surprisingly memorable. Snd old spock.

What a jackass.

With you. I like to see change, but we’ll get tony again in a bad way

Seriously great review. You hot me interested in a book, i would dismiss. Not sure of DC yet, i hate their return to the old numbers. They didn’t earn Detective comics #947. That is #947 of volume 2. Volume 1 ended 5 years ago.

Lol, good point

I can’t unsee the matrix sequels. Everytime, i think how awesome the first one was, it leads to how did we get here. So yes, the original kicks ass and is better, without the sequel. Just as the ghostbusters franchise is better with this new edition. Reviews are good, so i’m already going to see it.

Well said.

Well as someone who’s going to love this movie. Reviews are good, i like the trailer and have been dying for a new ghostbusters movie. Let me explain this hyperbole: a extremely strong urge. I would not actuallt die.

So the donations got jacked. Oh well, crowdfunding is still too broken, not fully an investment, but not fully a gift. Kind of a hybrid where most are fucked.

I like the sound, but... lost interest in the video real quick.

Crazy dishonest. Thank ftc.

They’re screwed when it’s approved and released. Pokemon seems to own everything.