Not to be outdone, Trump has a new 13 step plan for legalizing the chaining of women to kitchen sinks and denying citizenship to any woman with a foreign driver's license.
Not to be outdone, Trump has a new 13 step plan for legalizing the chaining of women to kitchen sinks and denying citizenship to any woman with a foreign driver's license.
What a bunch of false statements. Most of the large universities with productive football programs are self sufficient or funded by private sponsors. University of Oklahoma, just one example, is expanding its facilities through just the wealthy boosters.
9gag hates this kid. Like really hates him. The 15 mil is a bit much.
Security guard girl’s reaction is awesome. I love that even Michaels and Collingsworth know how much BS the celebration penalties are.
Better television, a hot running back who can't be stopped or a goaltender standing on his head all game? I'm going goaltender.
The first Ni No Kuni had me smiling and laughing while I played it. Any game that does that is a good game, screw the haters.
You must be a blast at parties.
Is Gus the closest we have to an American Andres Cantor?
Chip Kelly to LSU?
He moved his legs quite a bit from the 30-45 second mark.
The French anthem is possibly the best national anthem. Every line is poignant and powerful.
Were going to say WWI and Korea were necessary conflicts to involve ourselves with? I guess.
In terms of national security I still trust the GOP over the Democrats. Republican track records with conflict, with the obvious exception of W, have always been in my opinion better than the Democrat executives.
I’m a nurse, sucks but money is good. Nurses are the odd combination of persecution complex and a false sense of entitlement.
I wish we could get some legitimate candidates other than Bernie and Hillary. Bernie will never win the general election and Hillary is in a class of evil all her own. It's too bad Biden waited too long.
This officially makes me the best receiver for the Baltimore Ravens.
Jezzies: Still guilty. The lying mother is also a victim.
Even in a down year in the SEC they manage to gloat about their fat people.
Lol seriously. The simplest tap in is a GOLAZZZZZOOOOO!!!! #! @@!#!@!#!#!@