
A clearly communicated Pittsburgh Left is a gift of kindness!! Flash your brights just as the light is about to turn green. They know they have the turn and they get their butt out of your way quickly. Win-win.

But if you use false information how will the travelers from the future who need your body to save the world know how to properly impersonate you after they rewrite your brain? Think of the trouble that could cause for the director.

Ice is hard enough to chip glass, and since it's practically impossible to tell broken glass from ice chips, the safety standard is that any glass breaking incident even near an open ice tray calls for dumping & replacing all the ice. Servers who scoop directly with glassware aren't just endangering the person whose

As a waiter it drives/drove me crazy when I see other servers fucking dipping the glass into the goddamn ice well! 

So, a recipe for falafel with extra ingredients that probably doesn’t taste as good?

Agreed, should have been up front. The whole time reading I was thinking “But what about the true-ups? Too many people have gotten burned because their company only matches on a per-paycheck basis, not on your gross contributions over the year!”

Total Recall did it better

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is

I was a hotel bartender for years. I recognized that my bar had it’s limitations, you’d pop in to start the night, but I didn’t expect you to spend all night there. So the key to good tips was to know what the customer wanted. Fine dining? Casual bar food? A surprisingly high number of travelers wanted to know where a

Twice as much, but it’s fresh off the vine there.

Twice as much, but it’s fresh off the vine there.

Unless you are only making one cocktail and calling it a night, you really don’t want a shaker with a cap, strainer, or anything else built in. They are a pain in the ass to rinse/clean and make a new batch.

That Leeroy Jenkins one... absolutely priceless.

Also important: Scotch.

You think that’s bad? Try being the one responsible for designing exhaust ports.

Crane humidifiers

Crane humidifiers

Install F.lux for late working/reading. Too much blue light late at night will disrupt your sleep cycles.

Vote: Timbuk2 Swig