
If you are interested in beautiful churches

The note about traffic patterns is critical! The merging/lane switches are kinda ridiculous. Being said, everyone is in the same mess (even the locals) and folks will let you in/merge. Use your blinker, wave an acknowledgement, and stop staring at your phone!

One key 401(k) consideration: Will your company continue to match your contributions throughout the year if you pay in one lump sum at the beginning?”

Devito playing Medici. As a Tim Burton movie, isn’t that by default Johnny Depp’s role?

Actually, his entire focus being a delusional egomaniac could be enough (if executed properly) as a story. “Hey humans, you’re not all that special of a snowflake!” type of motif.


Just adding some other advice I’ve received over the years:

They might be able to open doors but I wanna see a raptor after steping on a Lego


Looks more like Equilibrium with the subterfuge than 451 (yes, i realize all the parralels Equilibrium has and it’s basically a mashup of 451 and 1984)

This doesn’t look like anything to me

I don’t disagree there are aspects to the writing that were tough to get through.

A colleague I recommended the books to noted some of the cultural implications in how the story is told and how it is received (eastern culture and writing compared to western culture).

Art imitates life and the other way around... Hardware Wars anyone?

Wait. Where’s the Millennium Falcon, it’s the only piece that warrants being made from pieces of junk

Spoiler alert: Everybody dies

I was initially put off by the request. But between posting a description of my job and reverse image search, the privacy factor is already moot.

DJ - Benicio Del Toro basically has the Lando arc

Tuesday night was the last night of Hanukah. So posting this Wednesday and saying the holiday is “almost over”, well, it’s over.