
As someone who recently blew up their phone (and then revived it), I would recommend moving to an authenticator that can be backed-up, like Authy. 99% of my 2FA was in Google Authenticator. I was able to move most of my codes to Lastpass Authenticator. I had to use my restore code to get my Steam Guard going again,

Scammed? Seeing the concept next to the actual car makes me realize how close Subaru was.  The front end is basically identical and the rear just lacks that crazy-huge valance and exhaust.

Factory Five Racing has your vehicle, but you have to assemble it (it’s also not their highest quality offering).

Having had Eyesight decide that heavy snow was a solid object in front of me on the highway and activate emergency braking, I can tell you it is not a happy experience.

Most likely a 2022 model launching next year (if it follows the same convention as the 2015 launching in 2014).

How about in the snow or a dirt gravel trail? Have you ever flicked into a turn entering almost backwards and had 300 hp AWD pull you out. Mustangs nice but 

The car’s HVAC system has vapes built into it, you pick the flavor from the touchscreen and the car hotboxes itself.

They could call it the “Stoutback”

This is using a completely different engine platform than the old STI’s EJ engine. The newer platform has been is use across subaru’s lineup for a few years now.

This is potential good news but we’ve been scammed by Subaru before:

ICE improvements have been incremental across the industry, but Subaru hasn’t made any improvements to the EJ25 since, like, fire was invented.

Color me interested.

Your office chair doesn’t have to be designed to protect you if your office hits the ground at high speed !

My one dream is to be on a flight where instead of seats, all the areas passengers are “seated” are stacked bunks. Like a capsule hotel in the air. LET ME SLEEP. I CANNOT SLEEP UNLESS I’M LYING DOWN. AUGH.

I’ve flown transatlantic business class for work. The biggest advantage, of course, is the lie-flat seats, which are far more amenable to getting an acceptable amount of sleep than coach seats.

I feel the same way, even for long flights. A round-trip from Chicago to Narita is ~ $1100 for economy, $9.5k for Business and $22k for 1st class. I could buy 8 economy tickets, with change, for one business class flight?? I have an edible and a few free beers and I’m out for most of it, anyways.

You can see this actually happen when MLB teams offer tickets at a major discount and the season ticket holders grouse that it devalues their seat.

Correct. In a world where the standard rule is “every empty seat is a free for all after takeoff” there will be melee near first class as people try to nab the empty seats, especially on long-haul flights, resulting in fights and inevitable delays/diversions (beacuse you know we can’t have nice things).

Fewer people will pay for the higher class, or use miles/cash to request an upgrade, if they know there’s a chance they could get it for free. That appears to be the airlines’ rationale.