I hear that lol - my Outback is a kind and slow herbivore on dry pavement, but give it some rough roads and snow and it’s a tank. Never owned a vehicle that just loves this kind of shit.
I hear that lol - my Outback is a kind and slow herbivore on dry pavement, but give it some rough roads and snow and it’s a tank. Never owned a vehicle that just loves this kind of shit.
One word: feel. I drove the STI back to back with the R and picked the STI. The R was more refined, but the shifter was not nearly as nice, the pedals weren’t as set up for heel-toe action, and I realized how much I missed the feel of hydraulic power steering. The turbo lag on the STI also gives it a sense of occasion…
If you look at the facts, there is no reason to buy an STi. It’s less comfortable than the Golf R. Has less horsepower than the Focus RS. It’s less reliable than the Civic Type R. But what the STi has over all those cars is that it’s exciting to drive. All of it’s flaws make it extremely fun. The STi still uses old…
tires are indeed hugely important, no doubt and this is a cool pic. But still, cmon. I know anecdote /= data but after decades spent in the mountains of colorado and now the pacific nrothwest i pretty much have never seen a mustang at a trailhead in the winter and yet ill see all sorts of subees.
True, but that doesn’t address the Golf R suggestion. Still fast, still AWD, much better and more comfortable interior.
ill just say that the mustang might be faster but only in the dry. If youre in the mountains all the time wrx/sti >> any mustang for year round driving. Hell, my dumb totally under powered Outback equipped with Blizzaks is one of the fastest cars in the world when the snow falls.
When the STI first came out, it was the bee’s knees and absolutely fantastic and wonderful and etc. etc. Affordable performance that let you compete with cars costing three times as much, etc. But now that’s... just not the case. The Focus RS completely lapped it. A 4-cylinder Mustang will be faster for less money.…
Mikrotik vs Ubiquiti is a rough battle.
I was actually thinking the same thing. I’d much rather go to an EV like a Tesla or something instead of a conventional auto. I find that the auto is never in the gear I want it to be (except for the cruising gear). Also the responsiveness of an EV is incredibly addicting. Like having your engine in power with the…
But see, that’s not accurate. The Forester XT sold more units annually than the Mazda MX-5 or the BRZ. I’m not kidding. Subaru said the Forester XT sales accounted for about 5% of US Forester model sales. Well...that’s about 8000 copies. Meanwhile, the BRZ/FRS twins don’t even muster 5,000 per year.
So it’s all a…
The ideal scenario is that you scrape most of the food into trash or compost, but the little bits that still find their way down the drain because you aren’t picking oatmeal out of the pot grain-by-grain can be disposed. Then you throw some ice-cubes down it and run the thing at least once a week to keep it moving.
I have a disposal but honestly sometimes I think a good drain strainer/screen might be all you really need. Especially now that we have a compost bin I feel like the disposal is not really necessary. I don’t like intentionally dumping stuff into our disposal anyway when it can be composted.
I grew up with one. Moved in with my wife and we did not have one for 7 years. Just bought a house that has one again and we both never use it. Now I just think they are lazy and just something else that needs maintenance. You have to buy cleaner for them. They tend to stink so you need to by freshener for them. Just…
As someone who didn’t grow up with a garbage disposal and barely uses it now, is it really worth it? With so many rules and ways you can either break the disposal or clog your pipes, is it even worth installing these things in the first place?
I put all my “internet of things” device on my guest network at 2.4ghz. I didn’t want devices that probably have security holes on my main network with our real computers and data. I used 2.4 simply because some of the automation devices don’t work at 5ghz
Somehow manufacturers don’t realize how much attention touch screens need to use and how much attention is taken away from the road to do it. Physical buttons provide the tactile feedback I need when I want to keep my eyes on the road.