
It’s a dog whistle, all right. Obama’s daily schedule is a matter of public record. The man worked more hours than I care to imagine. Plus, he had to raise two children. And, on top of that, he read books. Lots of books. (Which are also part of the public record. Yes, you can actually research and discover what books

“And some say,many people say,that they drank grape Kool-Aid and ate fried chicken. With seasonings! Can you imagine?”

Obama did “Comedians in Cars” to talk about signing up for Obamacare.  

Dear White People:

“Now excuse my fat ass while I go do the white man equivalent and golf for the bazillionth time...”

Clinton likely accomplished more work for the country while receiving oral sex than Trump has done his entire presidency. Clinton and Obama had the attention span and maturity to read security briefings, even though they were long and wordy and didn’t have pretty pictures.

“He just sat in here and watched basketball all day,”

You have just described the 10% rule, which I follow (round up):

As I start my middle ages, I’ve settled into a driving “hack” that makes long distant cruising a lot more relaxing. If the speed limit is 65, I drive (or set the cruise) around 72. This is faster than the slow drivers (like the van lady above) and most trucks, but slower than the fast drivers that goes 75+. If the

Yup, In Utah if you don’t yield to faster moving traffic REGARDLESS of speed limit its a primary offense.  They were doing a big pullover sting last year to help people understand the law.  

Oh yeah. In Jalop Slack somebody even mentioned this is the kinda person who’s yelled at their server more than once 

Sounds like Tommy Lehren or Tomi, or Tomigochi, Thumblina whatever her name is. 

Becky would also be acceptable

I’ve got a feeling the driver has short cropped blonde hair, asks to speak to the manager all the time and is named Susan, Karen or Linda.

A few weeks back I passed a tractor trailer in Florida that had large letters on the back saying “If I just passed you on the right you are an asshole.” It’d be cool if he passed this guy.

The worst part is that you know this person hangs out in the passing lane, despite that fact that it’s just as much against the law as speeding...

The provided software seems very limited. Is it locked down or can you roll your own analysis platform?

How is it possible that nobody in a medical facility noticed that a patient in their care was pregnant?

turbo manual hatchback. give it to me NOW.