
In that first clip, I see:

Now playing

I saw these fellers a whole bunch of times around 2000-’03, when it seemed they were on a perpetual tour of the southeast. It was a bit odd seeing them so much while not being a homely teenaged girl, but it was tough to pass up a consistently good, relatively cheap show whenever our paths crossed.

“Without taking a journey up my own ass in an effort to explain the future of the media...”

Shut the fuck up, Donnie.

You win!

Hard to argue with most of the takes on Burneko, tbh. Especially Margaret.


What previously mostly innocuous Stupid Internet Thing should the idiots who convinced the world that Pepe the Frog is an anti-Semite turn into the next Alt-Right-associated (and thus unusable) Internet Thing? Could they kill Crying Jordan permanently with a coordinated effort to forever link him to particularly

But we can have both things, right? Nobody is calling for all investment to be done by the Best Possible Indexing Robit—just that it’s better for me, WorstPossibleComment, to buy into an index fund than it is to pay somebody to fail at beating the market.

I mean, it’s a good throw and all, but homeslice on the mic needs to look into his depth-perception issues.

Hey, get off my lawn.

Sad to hear! Too bad nobody wants to report that the shooter was Cordell Hayes, a 28 year old black male. Can we please address the senseless black on black violence!