I mean you get it from a can anywhere. *People use it as a base and add to it for last minute gatherings and things. But for a restaurant to do it that way is a sin.
I mean you get it from a can anywhere. *People use it as a base and add to it for last minute gatherings and things. But for a restaurant to do it that way is a sin.
I think this may be more true for the US than other places, just because of the way the US has made dairy a requirement for so many dishes. A lot of cuisines have items that are naturally vegan because not everything is made starting with butter, or has to include cheese (or a randomly placed egg). So many things come…
John my friend, your imitation game is on point, that’s for sure, and I’m going to take it as a compliment. Also +1 (at least) for doubling down and verifying your own statements as correct.
Okay John, I get that’s how you feel, but it seems that you’re missing the larger point.
Thanks for clarifying that your politeness extends to women and men with holding of doors. That is polite, well done.
The thing is, unless it’s your romantic partner (or your mom or what have you) you’re showing consideration for, it’s completely weird to go out of your way to do these things for people one the sole basis of the fact that they’re women. If you’re practicing benevolent sexism, it’s still sexism.
Exactly. The overproduction needs to end. Dairy is not an ever expanding market, especially with those tariffs kicking in and the laws regulating dairy production the EU is rather strict about.
Is it not possible to find some halfway decent middle ground? Maybe treat her like a real person (you know, like you would any other man)?