
Categorically not racist. And not even sexist. I can see both sides of that - she had abnormally high testosterone because of a birth condition which is not normally occurring. No fault of hers, of course, but also not a level playing field - and sports assumes that there is one. That’s why there are different weight

“wow, it’s in great shape!”

Being a Russian ship, I expect we’ll have dash cam footage soon.

Reimbursement for Rustbuckets? 

Wow, some people are willing to go to a lot of effort and spend a lot of money they don’t need to, just to feel a little better about the concept of internet privacy. As though all the companies you move to from Google aren’t looking to monetize you. Thanks, but I’m sane.

Kind of hard to describe it as Malkin hitting Oshie when what Malkin did is move his body so that Oshie simply ran into a different part of Malkin than he wantd to. 

Nope, sorry, not sexist.  And I’d be the first to call it that if it was.

Playing the sexism card toward a comment about your naivete only drives home the point that you’re a naive child.

Libby, young children of both sexes are wet behind the ears. You’re whipping the sexist card prematurely and losing all credibility in the process.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

At least he was able to fulfill his childhood dream of being a conductor on a train.

You should talk shit to Mexico every time you play them, that match is never a “Friendly”.

It really shows how screwed up sports is when one person’s classless bumper sticker in 1989 is grounds to cheer on a freshman’s leg being fucked up. 

Are you really so dumb you can’t see the website watermark?

Just curious how many commenters have driven a mid-engined car?? If you have you'll be ecstatic at the prospect of a "reasonably" priced mid-engined V8 car for the masses. 

I’m not sure you understand irony.  This is not ironic.  This is the entire basis of the lawsuit.

Every car manufacturer out there.

LS is based on an evolution of an archaic push-rod based design. If they hadn’t perfected it it would be pathetic. It’s the most simple engine designs of the modern world.

Yes. You would likely stand up on someone’s desk, drop trou, squat down and drop a steaming pile and very likely be charged with a misdemeanor because someone used the shorthand for “terminate.”