
“Tell me what I can do” is not the same as “I would feel a lot of relief...”. Also, I’d just like to point out the irony of the fact I’m now having two separate discussions about the nature of forgiveness under a comment thread about people changing the subject from sexism/racism as a rhetorical tactic.

It’s gotten so that anytime I see an actress that falls into the category of “What ever happened to her?” I wonder if Harvey happened.

I was Leeeeeeeroy myself my first few times through Sunwell Plateau. The worst was the first time, I was so juiced to have reached that end boss that I sort of forgot everything I’d been told and charged in to melee range; with a frakking hunter.

Later in the good ole Wrath days I used to solo it mount hunting; but I

For what it’s worth I actually thought Idris Elba was exceptionally well cast and did an amazing job given the material he was working with.

^^ Pretty much this ^^

Logan had little to do with the conflict of the children. His character arc was overcoming his own demons and regrets. The man had felt there was no hope for mutants and thus wanted nothing to do with the world at large anymore - something that gets excacerbated when Xavier dies which was Logan’s

how often do you get a film with a Black leading man playing a western-style gunslinger?

...I’m hoping that Black Panther kicking ass might mitigate that? It sucks that when movies starring anything other than white men fail it’s because people don’t want movies with (insert non-white-male demographic). Nobody chalked Green Lantern up to people not wanting movies about white superheroes...

I had a quad-kill with Reaper’s deathblossom yesterday where I just walked right up to the other team, which was clustered together focused on the point, and managed to pause long enough to spray paint the ground with ‘die die die’ before letting it go. It made for a great potg.

Hey Eric Clapton, let me show you what a real guitarist sounds like...

The Real Housewives (nice terminology there, btw.) has been an abomination from the beginning. Not as bad as Survivor, but that’s not saying much.

That not Zelda or Link, it’s a digimon!

But we were meant to dislike her, and much like with Poe, she didn’t give a shit if we disliked her. She had a plan, she stuck to it, and then she went down with her ship like a fucking boss.

“More diversity in the fields of mythology, religion, and spirituality can only be a positive.”

Of course she has a Starbucks gold card....

Yes. The first 45 minutes of the bug yapping at you gets me to quit every damn time.

My dislike for it is super petty: There’s so much text and it scrolls SO PAINFULLY slow and at least in the version I played you could do nothing to speed it up. After a while I just wanted characters to shut up.

Oh please.

Canadian here. Bacon is called “bacon” and ham is called “ham”. If you want to get into “Canadian bacon”, therein lies the difference because we call that “back bacon”; but it’s fundamentally different from “bacon” bacon