
I am also disgusted. It’s possible I would physically attack someone for doing this to me.

I’d like to correct some things I got wrong above.

There also might be a “gateway” effect caused by demonizing marijuana in terms of people thinking “If they lied about the dangers of pot, did they lie about the dangers of coke?” I mean, I’m guessing that few, if any, people actually go that far, but it seems like a plausible result from over-stating the dangers of

They’re half right. It’s history AND hate. Put the slave flag in a museum along with the old iron slave manacles and slave posters. You want to celebrate your Southern heritage? Fry up a biscuit. No hate in a good biscuit.

mmmm BLTs

Isn’t that the adaptation where it ends with them discovering a “magic bullet” to counter the zombies, when the whole “no magic bullet” element was literally at the heart of the book it was based on?

World War ZZZzzzzzzzzzz...............

The fact that it had nothing to do with the KKK is exactly why they removed it, silly.

More like they decided to remove a reference that made no sense to an English audience

I know what the chart says. I’m simply stating that the 1% will say that in 2001 and 2009, they took a hit in wages while the lower earners didn’t, as if that is some sort of blind justification to them making a ton of money.

And what the top will say is that during recent times where our economy was hit hard, the lower percentiles still gained on wages while they took massive hits.

What your people call “trickling down”, my people call “pissing on you”!

will headline a new DC-focused digital streaming service next year

Great, another streaming service I have to pay for to get a single TV show. Between this and CBS trying to hide Star Trek behind an online subscription, TV piracy is about to go through a new renaissance.

Well I do love paying subscriptions to a billion different streaming services...

CEOs getting what they deserve is a slightly more populist option...

Perfect idea. Satanists get shit done.

I hate to say it but you may as well just keep them off the internet then. The comment section of youtube or anywhere else is really no better.

Who the fuck ARE these people?!

No, see that was fine because Maher yucks it up with him then acted like he was persoanlly responsoible for the downfall!