
At least they actually tell us when things are coming out, now. They used to just show up in shops without warning.

His hot springs reflections give him interests outside of the game’s themes and mechanics.”

Yep, I’ve had this problem with both stance changing and knocking an arrow. There is def a delay before it picks up the trigger pull. Or at least its not as responsive as it should be.

Man there is so much this game doesn’t teach you. Like the braziers can be show and they’ll set stuff under them, so some well placed firecrackers to draw the attention of 4 or 5 mongols and single arrow to the braziers and profit.

I actually watched/read one review that called this out. One of Jin’s goals is securing enough resources from the people of Tsushima to defeat the Mongols. The reviewer complained Jin didn’t show any growth in this moment because he should have recognized he was enforcing the same oppressive system on his people

Before the devs put the game out they bragged that in a playthrough where they skipped all the dialog and knew how to solve all the puzzles took 200 he's to playthrough the main story and side missions.

The “Untitled Body-Swapping Horror Film” is going to do the unthinkable...the father/daughter body-swap.

You might try Warhorn.net, Gamefor and Meetup to find games in your area. Also see if there are any FB groups for RPGs in your area. as for supplies, it depends on the games you want to play(if you want to go outside D&D cause there are a lot of good games out there right now), but a good place to start is a bag of

I’m currently in a gaming group that is not made up of people who knew each other prior to joining a game. One of the mechanics we use to keep games civil is an ‘x card’. It sits in the middle of the table, in reach of every player. If the GM or one of the players is doing something in the game that bothers anyone

I always thought of the Necrons as Terminators and Tyranids as Xenomorphs.

Dude, if it makes you feel any better, almost none of the lore for certain. You can think of most of it being rumors, legend and myth. A lot of history has simply been lost in the 40K universe, so they make due largely with hearsay.

Lol, you shoulda taken more than Econ 101, because that’s not how things work.

Lol. What power microscope did you have to use to split that hair?

But then they’re going to be forced to use a type a tag they don’t want to use. What ever happened to freeze peach?

Make sure you have a ranged weapon. In my last campaign our bard only brought a sword. He was knocked to 0 hp 3 times in the first session. The light crossbow is a good option.

So Piker was only a guest on Chapo. If your interested in him, you can find him on The Young Turks (TYT). I’m not the biggest fan of them, sometimes a little too liberal (ie not far enough left), but all around pretty good especially the younger hosts like Piker, Kasparian and Vigeland.

This is still ultimately self defeating. Why? Because your conceding a whole generation (or a large part) to other political alignments. If they don’t vote now, they will in the future. If he can win over these young people even a little there is a chance of them being life long leftists. And if they aren’t, it’ll

So why not try to politicize younger people and get them energized to vote? It’s self defeating for Dems to try and capture Repub votes from older people and vice versa. The best way to do it is to expand the base (by pulling younger people in) and get that base to the polls.

Nope. I’m over 40 and find chapo pretty entertaining. They’re riff on Gen X thru the lens of Reality Bites was devastating, funny and largely accurate. And if you want to die, look up their take on Trump Supporters buying Iraqi Dinar thinking Trump will somehow revalue the currency and make them all billionaires. I