Worse Horse

How on earth did Punkie Johnson get promoted to main cast while James Austin Johnson is still only featured? I can’t think of any especially memorable bits by Punkie since she joined, whereas James is playing major roles like Trump and Biden. . .

(I don’t begrudge her getting bumped up, mind you, but was stunned that

Isn’t “Holiday Road” by Lindsay Buckingham?

I just want a whole movie about Bill Murray’s bartender character, honestly. . .

I’m sure this won’t be that. . . BUT. . .

He also created a good, weird little show called EZ STREETS that was a pretty decent WISEGUY wannabe, with a pre-SOPRANOS Joe Pantaliano paired with Mike Starr to great effect.

The script is already written, so it can be judged by the participants and financiers on what it is, not on it’s author’s track record. And the $100 million is for the whole package - script, Johannson, Evans, producers and (TBD) director - since the script got them all interested (and has kept them interested, save

Now playing

I’ll take any excuse to share this amusing ditty:

LAST CRUSADE is great fun. . . but it’s nearly as much of a remake-as-sequel as GHOSTBUSTERS II. Similar plot beats, another (albeit thuddingly obvious, after the more-obscure Ark) Judeo-Christian artifact, Sallah and Marcus *again* because we like them, never mind if they fit the story. In some ways, it feels like

One of the odder bit to me about the MCU is how the initial comics’ love interests were included in the adaptations as the main character’s irreplaceable One True Love, when so many of them had been written out of the books over the years. I started reading Marvel in the early 80s, and Jane Foster, Betty Ross, and

Perhaps the gray hair discussion with Sophie was lampshading how rapidly he must be graying in order to match up with the flashforward. . . 

Except the shortage of Similac means those customers are now switching to Enfamil and - guess what - now there’s less Enfamil for the babies who were already using it.

I’d argue the DAREDEVIL film has too MUCH affection for the source material, and un-wisely tried to jam too much of it into a short running time (as Cox states above). The director clearly had an affection for the comics, but not the discipline to not gorge himself at the buffet, nor the talent to adapt the stuff he

And now I’m picturing Bruce Wayne taking in Billy Ray Valentine. . .

(not mine)

Bruce’s retirement at the end bothered me less than the notion that he (seemingly) stopped being Batman after escaping the cops at the end of THE DARK KNIGHT and didn’t start up again until the events of RISES. That seemed to fly square in the face of the romanticizing voiceover at the end of TDK about how he’s the

Nicholson captured the Englehart/Rogers “Laughing Fish” Joker perfectly (albeit 40 pounds too heavy), and was certainly not just “Nicholson in white makeup”:

I preferred Season Two, and rather liked their Elektra.

I didn’t love the SOLO we got, and I’ve enjoyed several Lord/Miller projects. But I had the opportunity to speak with someone who worked fairly high up on SOLO and asked him, “Listen, I know you can’t say really talk about it, and I don’t expect any details, but tell me this: did Lord and Miller *need* to go?” He

Yeah, and it’s right out of the end of the BATMAN: YEAR ONE comic, which was one of the three big influences/sources for BATMAN BEGINS (Flass and Loeb come from the comic, albeit with very different looks).

Uncle Charlie the bartender” may bring a chuckle to NYCers of a certain age who remember the noteworthy gay bar Uncle Charlie’s (so named, one assumes, for the “confirmed bachelor” uncle on later episodes of MY THREE SONS).