Worse Horse

We GOT a great Vulture:

I have never much cared for Ribisi, but he is very good on the terrific SNEAKY PETE. And if you’re a Yost/JUSTIFIED fan, you’ll see a lot of familiar faces. Well worth your time.

I don’t mind Wahlberg in some things, but he’s all wrong for this. After 3 or 4 director changes, I kept hoping that they’d try a different actor instead. . . sigh.

Joe Russo said Thor was aiming for the chest:

I find Gillan cute as kittens, but none of that seems to translate to Nebula. for me. Great character, but not attractive at all. Which is a testament to her performance, no doubt.

“He’s still skinny.” Even phoning it in, TLJ kills it.

Thor’s aim wan’t lousy - he went for a fatal wound that would still give him time to get in Thanos’s face and gloat. If he’d have played it safe with a headshot, game over. I’d call it a wash between him and Quill.

My problem is I don’t buy Ruffalo as a wimp. He’s too beefy and Italian to be the Bruce Banner I grew up reading and watching.

I like his performance a lot, but it’s almost Michael Keaton-as-Batman off-model to me...

I agree. I like Ruffalo’s performance a lot, but Norton was more like Bixby’s and the comic’s Banner to me. I would like to peek into the alternate universe where we got to see him acting with Downey in the Helicarrier. . .

Thunderbolt is one of those characters like J. Jonah Jameson - sometimes a stand-up guy, but usually a villainous buffoon (or buffoonish villain). Elliot was perfect for the principled military man; Hurt was good as the hypocritical shitty dad.

I’ve read the books once and watched all the episodes a couple times each, and I can’t remember. . .

Ray Stevenson would have been a better Robert Baratheon, to my mind. I liked Addy’s performance, but I found him too small for how I pictured The Usurper. Stevenson-gone-to-seed (heavier than ROME, but not as padded as in THOR) would have been just right. You would have bought (in a way I really didn’t with Addy) that

“Then leak to the source that Reba is ‘hard as shit and has been flippin’ packs since she was six.’”

I’m assuming that’s mean to be THE SOURCE, as in the magazine:

I disagree strongly that “Thor is supposed to be Lord of the Rings, basically...” What all of the films have missed for me is Asgard and Earth bumping up against each other in a substantial way. Loki or The Enchantress mucking around with dumb mortals and creating the Wrecking Crew because they’re bored. We need the Ab

I wound’t say LOGAN was bad, but I thought it was highly overpraised. “UNFORGIVEN for superheroes.”? Not in my book.


Dumb question (and maybe this will get me out of the grays). . . aren’t there telescopes powerful enough to, y’know, see the Apollo 11 flag and the lunar golf cart and whatever other space junk we left up there? How does the tinfoil hat crowd argue against that? Big Telescope is part of the conspiracy?

The general academy membership (who votes on the winner) might get snookered by “most editing,” but the editors’ branch (who determine the nominations) likely wouldn’t. Hence my question...

See my reply to The Ron Swanson of Westeros above. . .

You and another poster had me doubting myself, so I checked. I was right: