I haven’t seen the film, but I believe in Bill Murray:
I haven’t seen the film, but I believe in Bill Murray:
Not only that, the ROCKY II rematch takes place on Christmas 1976 - the same year as the first fight. It IS a weird timeline.
Finally saw this film on cable. Better than I thought - but Benoist is terrifically hateful in this. I sing her praises for SUPERGIRL constantly - but that she can play Krypton’s sweetheart *and* a supportive jihadist wife so effectively makes me think I’ve been underrating her as an actress.
I couldn’t stand Eli in the first season of BOARDWALK EMPIRE. That I eventually came to find him one of the most sympathetic characters on the show, and that Whigham would become an actor I’m never not pleased to see was quite a surprise. . .
And here I thought I’d read that “shagging” - while playful and harmless-sounding to American ears - came off as more than a little vulgar in the UK (and the second AUSTIN POWERS therefore got some overseas flak for it’s title.)
If I remember right they had a proper videographer who missed something and that’s why Juliet wanted to look at Mark’s footage. . . I *think* there’s dialogue to that effect.
My read is that the movie is in lockstep with Hugh Grant and thinks his assistant and Natalie’s family are NUTS to think she’s chubby.
I think Mark would have kept quiet about it had Juliet not come over to his apartment and insisted on viewing the wedding video over his objections (the whole scene reminded me of Emma Thompson prying the romance novel from Anthony Hopkins’s hands in REMAINS OF THE DAY). After Mark’s feelings were exposed there, I…
I don’t think Marvel felt fighting Nazis was too dated of a concept - I think they thought showing a fictional hero fighting Nazis could be seen as trivializing real-life evil. (Spielberg said much the same after SCHINDLER’S LIST vis-a-vis Indiana Jones).
I personally would have rather seen Cap fight actual Nazis in…
I’m hoping The Monitor’s dialogue about an “upcoming crisis” means they do an Arrowverse CRISIS ON INFINTE EARTHS for next year’s event, bring in every version of the characters they can (LOIS & CLARK, SMALLVILLE. hell back up a Brink’s truck for Michael Keaton’s Batman) and merge the Earths at the end just like in…
I may well have made the term up. I’ll take the credit either way. ; )
It snuck up on me how much I like 9-1-1. I think I only gave it a peek for Krause and Britton, stayed a bit longer once I saw Minear’s name in the credits, and the next thing I knew it is one of the shows I most look forward to in the DVR. It’s no THE WIRE, but as comfort procedurals go, this one has a lot of heart,…
Apparently the actor wanted out due to be underutilized. You’d think he’d have waited more than three episodes to see if the absence of Rick and Maggie made more oxygen available for his (very popular in the comics) character, but. . .
Running errands and haven’t watched the video yet, but MALCOLM X and Mario Van Peebles PANTHER would be decent candidates, as Angela Bassett played Betty Shabbazz in both.
I wish there were more films that do this. I’m still rooting again all odds for Kevin Costner to reprise Eliot Ness in whatever adaptation of TORSO…
I’ve been going beyond the GREATEST HITS stuff for the first time ever, and am currently besotted with “Love Of My Life”, especially the live version. Just gorgeous:
Can anyone get me out of the grays? I’m a solid citizen on AV CLUB, honest. . .
I’ll be in my bunk.
That ending was weird, but they don’t pop out of a comic. In the Hamm script, Ozymandias’ plot is to kill Jon Osterman via time travel before he becomes Dr. Manhattan (Veidt feels Manhattan’s presence is responsible for the world being on the brink of nuclear destruction). When Manhattan discovers the plot, he agrees…
The scene was embarrassing for more than just the music. In the book, it’s stylized, swelling romance - the beach scene in FROM HERE TO ETERNITY. Under Snyder, it’s Cinemax softcore. Even if they kept the Billie Holiday referenced in the book, the way the scene was directed would make it laughable.
The “Xavier-as-MLK/Magneto-as-Malcolm” thing really wasn’t part of the X-MEN book under Stan, though. Magneto was a straight-up blackhat villain then. It was only in Claremont’s 1908s comics that Magneto started to be written as a redeemable extremist instead of EEEEVIL. I think Claremont made the Civil Rights…