Wormwood's Charge

I'm glad there are two reviews of GoT on AV Club, especially since the 'newbie' reviews have been exceptionally poor this season.

Was it mentioned that she didn't have the budget?

Nah, the entire neo-Nazi gang was cartoonish, Todd included. Its like the writers thought, "how can we find a villain worse than Tuco or Gus? Oh yeah, just toss some neo-Nazi's in there, everyone hates them." Lost some of the realism with that decision.

How close Mike came to, inadvertently, years later, taking down Gus's empire with those same pair of shoes.

Holy crap, the pace!

None of which changes the fact that Jimmy has proven Chuck to be correct in his concerns about Jimmy's character and his conduct as a lawyer. Jimmy has made efforts to be legitimate, but all to often he has skirted procedure and broken laws, even without Chuck's dispiriting influence. (e.g., the Air Force Captain).

You're missing the point. I get that its fiction — weak argument.

I didn't start BrBa until it was already over. Got to binge. As far as FNL goes, I read the book which was great, watched the movie, which was great, but I just don't have the stomach for another remix.

You're better than fine, Nakka. I wish I DIDN'T know the fates of Jimmy, Mike, and Gus.

This post proves that for the vast majority of people, the power of narratives overrides cold hard facts.

Every opening credits has referenced the "Saul Goodman" era in some way.

Wrong reveal.


Isn't it odd, in a show filled with con-artists, bullies, murderers, and cheats, the author finds the successful but, by all accounts, completely legitimate businessman to be the most repulsive?

Don't tell Dennis that!

Yes, please!

It's embarrassingly obvious that Dennis's main problem with the Murphy character is his southern whiteness. How deep of you, Denny.

Well, thanks for saving me from reading this tripe

I'd vouch for you. This reviewer has been awful all season. Everything and everyone is Trump to this guy. Garrison's Trump (obviously), but so is Gerald, and Bedrager, and Butters, etc. Obsessive. He projects way more of himself into his reviews than the show itself. No mention of nostalgia, even tho it was