
You deserved it.

This kid is going to grow up into some heartless, cold, calculated CEO.

Wow it’s like all the features that made me buy starforge in the first place, only this time it looks real, also it reminds me of Lichdom: Battlemage, only cooler.

I still play Payday 2, and while, Yes, there are tons of DLC and, yes, they’re not included in some season pass. Overkill are greedy, however, they do need to get to their own payday (hehehe... sorry), and Micro-Transactions are just an easy way to do so. You don’t want to support their approach? don’t buy drills. Why

I don’t wanna be ‘That guy’, but I just can’t help but feel this is cheap. It’s like adding a chicken hat that improves your chances of acing a mission in a hardcore stealth game. I mean, the feature is there, and it’s obviously meant for certain players who are just not experienced enough, or having a hard time,

Of course you’re playing Digimon wrong...

This is the best part of this gif.

Second time I encounter this video in a week. Kotaku is strangely obsessed with Robot Sex.

Couldn’t. Agree. More.

While I didn’t get it yet, I know I’ll be importing my own songs. as in, the songs I composed.

It’s less funny when you realize this poor guy is desperately trying to go number 1.

Not really an expansion but, Ahem...

I agree. While this entire thing is original, it’s completely idiotic to spend money for something that won’t be playable in a couple of months, even weeks. And what for? a “Finale”? No. That’s not how it works. I wouldn’t buy a PC, Which isn’t a good PC to begin with, that will work for a limited time, only to go

Almost as horrible as something that I experienced once.

It’s Jensen’s Diner, I mean, If you wanted to keep your children safe from augmented people, DON’T SEND THEM TO AN AUGMENTED PERSON’S DINER.

I am sorry, but alpha protocol was not good. It wasn’t bad either. I played through it and it felt like a an unfinished combination between mass effect and splinter cell. It had a good concept and I played it through to the end, but it didn’t feel unique or outstanding.

Oh my god, I love that video... in a creepy, scary way.

I love that show and I love that episode and I think this particular one proved to be the best in the current season.