
What were they thinking? I mean this controller represents Vader a lot better:

You probably meant “ex” by now.

Putting you in the role of a randomly generated character seems like an original idea, but I feel that Garry Newman should’ve seen it coming, especially how Garry’s Mod was all about customization and self expression. I know I like to showcase my personality or choice of style through the characters I play, and being

So it’s Mugen: Capcom

Well, I think swapping move-sets to better fit your play style should be accepted as it allows you to play the way you wants. some would rather play as a more agile fighter while others would want slow, but more damaging moves. the mix-n’-match allows two players who use the same character employ different tactics and

Let’s put a smile on that face on that shield on that batman viking.

I actually loved it so far. Yeah, there are TONS of bugs, it’s unpolished and servers are crowded and the queue is long, however when you actually get to play, it’s fun - lots of loot, classes, collections etc. also you get to build a teleporting house.

Illidonkey and the Butchrek.

What the hell is that?

Wow, that’s... actually like a certain part in [SPOILERS] GTA V, with the life invader infiltration.

In any case if someone will pick this up you got my vote.

Last time I managed to damage my PS2 dualshock required me to blindly launch one of those bayblades (or however you type it) with incredible force resulting in it plummeting into the controller, leaving a square shaped crack. Who the fuck thought making them out of metal would be smart? I mean it missed my friend’s

Wow! that’s my first entry! thanks guys!!!

I love the idea, requires some work though.

That’s a win.

Wow. With those names I would’ve felt like I am playing the Vietnamese version of pokemon crystal.