
That's my point, Thiago. Either Korra is a threat now (in which case there's no point in having her capture Bataar Jr instead of just attacking in the Giant Blue Spirit form or Avatar State) or she's not (in which case there's no point in Kuvira killing her). The logic doesn't hold, leading me to assume that it's

VandalCabbage, you're basically making my point for me. There are a lot of assumptions here that you're reading into the story to make it make sense. That's fine, but it requires you to take a lot of things on faith, which isn't the strongest writing style.

I understand who Kuvira is trying to kill and why. But that's not relevant to my argument, which is that she doesn't need to.

Really love the way Korra acted in this episode - she finally felt like she was becoming a true leader.

Yes, this is what I meant… characters who are on screen are usually fine, but the sheer number of characters to choose from means that they can't give them all meaningful arcs. My complaint is mostly that they could have dropped the less interesting characters (*cough* Mako) and focused on those with greater potential

Completely agree. LoK's big initial problem was having such a significant cast of characters, and it never fully recovered. With such a short number of episodes, it would have been better to pick a few individuals and focus more deeply on them.

I don't think the episode was rushed, so much as that it managed to create a problem and then solve it in the same episode. The effect is to make the events seem a bit contrived - especially since a few episodes have dealt with this already (like the Toph stories). Zaheer agreeing to help Korra so quickly, and the

There's nothing wrong with the reboot. The current season is paced a bit slow (lots of horror movie-inspired monster of the week episodes instead of the main narrative), but it's still solid. And I assume we'll get back to the main story later.

You make a good point about her more mature attitude and increasingly better choices throughout the show. That said, nothing has really come about because Korra did something - if she wasn't the Avatar, basically the same outcomes would have occurred.

I realize that, within the narrow confines of the storyline, there are reasons presented for Korra's inadequacy. I'm making a broader point about the plotting of the show itself: it's not terribly exciting to cheer for an Avatar who continually fails to do anything terribly Avatar-like.

One thing the recap drove home for me is just how terrible an Avatar Korra actually is. When Aang went into the Avatar State, Katara had to calm him down lest he lay waste to the countryside. When Katara goes into the Avatar State, her opponents pound on her until someone else (usually Jinora) comes along and saves

To be honest, I think Korra is the least interesting character on her own team. I'm all for the others getting more time in the spotlight.