NBC keeps flirting with the idea an Office reboot. Maybe after the Tomelette-Greg alliance collapses, they land a gig at Dunder-Mifflin corporate?
NBC keeps flirting with the idea an Office reboot. Maybe after the Tomelette-Greg alliance collapses, they land a gig at Dunder-Mifflin corporate?
Man, my house had so many recorded HBO movies. Watched the hell out of a fuzzy Empire Strikes Back VHS in those days. Gladdens the heart to hear others did this.
Absolutely. It’s also a great reminder that he has really solid comedic timing. His two biggest roles, Solo and Indy, obviously weren’t super serious, and Indy especially had good low-key laughs, but has he ever really been in a straight comedy beyond a cameo? A quick IMDB could probably tell me, but who has the time…
Yea, honestly until this comment section I wasn’t really aware that she’d turned into a bit of a mess. Fwiw, I’ve never been an enormous fan — her LOST episodes were tedious.
I read in another review that Hope has roughly 15 lines in the film (which carries her character’s name, of course), so there’s that. Guess we’ll need to see it to make a total judgement.
The screenshot for the Fast X ad makes it look like they’ve already started the Gladiator sequel.
Ford recently said he went through the script and took out a lot of the “I’m gettin’ too old for this” winking at the audience gags and lines, but it does seem that they’re going to play up the back-in-the-saddle-for-final-ride motif.
“Rudy” loses a lot when you learn that the chanting and him being carried off the field was mostly done in jest, and that he was more of a mascot to the team than an inspiration. Joe Montana, who was on that team, is pretty candid about it. Doesn’t stop ND from cashing in on it or using the story as a recruiting tool.…
Lots of competition, but Hellfire has to be the best villain song.
Thinking about the beginning of your comment, is it possible the pilot is the series’ worst episode? I don’t even mean to say it’s bad. It’s just that it drops you into this world of terrible people and it’s kinda hard to know what you’re going to get. And you have the entire scene with Roman where he rips up the…
I mean this with no level of snark: Thank you for teaching me the word “palimpsest.” Not sure if I should have already known this one as a 36-year-old, but never too late to build the vocab.
Not gonna lie. I really enjoyed that contrived story to the point that I was disappointed to here it didn’t happen.
Add in that viewer reviews complained about a “woke” agenda. Freakin’ Popeye would be overwhelmed.*
Yea, that was ridiculous. I think the only route to do it would be a remake of the original possibly. I’d love to have them just continue off Defiance with a great single-player action-adventure, but I don’t know how large the audience would be for that, given that there’s a ton of story and lore to play catch-up…
Everything about this is great. Weighty, efficient, give you a sense of history but respects people who were unfamiliar with the previous game, introduction to the best voice acting in gaming (I’m sure there are other great examples I’m ignoring, but the main players in the LoK series are just brilliant) — and the…
Shadow of the Colossus & Soul Reaver. I can rewatch those over and over.
Jokes that he’ll buy Twitter: “I’ve made a huge mistake.”
Yeesh, blackout curtain manufacturers must make a killing over there.
Agreed that it was quite odd most of the time that happened. I’ve heard the reasoning being that the game is set in the northern reaches of the game world, so there is a shorter night cycle (at least at the time of year the game is set). Having not been to Scandinavian nations or Iceland/anywhere super north, I’m not…