
Knowing absolutely nothing about St. Louis and having only seen the dome while watching games (so not focused on the aesthetics), is Edward Jones Dome a dump or something? I mean 21 years isn’t all that old. Obviously, there are other reason to get out of STL and owners get pretty restless with stadiums, but damn.

Jesus Fapping Christ, I want to play Skyrim again suddenly.

City of Cincinnati: “Jeez. Good thing we’re not those fans.”

I really can’t wait for the Minnesota and Cincinnati “Why Your Team Sucks” rundowns later this year.

God: “OK, time to do something about this Middle East situ — Oh, fuck! The Bengals are winning a playoff game?!”

This is like the highlight equivalent of an Escher painting.

Now now, as a member of this movie-going species, I take umbrage with you saying “People are not that stupid.” This, my friend, is a country where not one but two “Paul Blart” movies exist.

Nice to see Zinedine Zidane is working with kids.

You know it’s bad when Alex basically calls you an idiot, just in a really gentle, Canadian kind of way.

Shaving around your asshole is actually a relatively pain-free experience. I have a razor in the shower speciically for this purpose (thanks Dollar Shave Club). You just squat down like you’re ready to poo in the woods (make sure you don’t have to poo at this point) and gently shave the inner part of your cheeks. I

Mark Brunell would probably need to go into therapy.

Incredibly, I’d still rather watch every John Scott all-star shift than a second of the Pro Bowl. Full disclosure, I’m a hockey fan, though I prefer the NFL.


It’s conceivable that actual Egyptians just don’t want anything to do with Gods of Egypt.

Can’t say I’ve ever been as engaged in an action movie as I was during Fury Road. Start to finish, this was my best movie-going experience of 2015. Loved TFA (stupid grin on my face the whole way through), enjoyed Jurassic World (flawed and silly as it was) and really got thinking through Ex Machina (during and

Thank you. I’ve never understood the high standing it seemingly enjoys. Same goes for a meatball sub, for the matter. They’re terrible without sauce, so you need to toast the bread well to avoid a soggy sandwich, then you’re cutting the roof of your mouth with jagged bread.

Wonder what happened to Eli at the Manning family Christmas to cause this leak.

Seriously, no one likes chicken parm that much. Knew there was something going on.

As someone with a journalism degree, I like to think time travel will be invented one day, and I’ll meet a Doc Brown-type figure who will describe the day I decided to go into this piss-fuck prentious business (which also contains a lot of genuine good folks) as the day two timelines were created, diagramming this

One of the things that ticked me off in the prequels is The Chosen One idea is very undercooked. Cliche as it is, if you’re going to do it, I want to know a little more about the prophecy. What does “bring balance to the force” mean? As far as I can tell, if the Jedi win, it’s a monopoly of Light Side users. Where