
He better get back up if he's going to stop that free kick.

Gus would have torn the fabric of space-time if he’d have done the GB-Lions game the other night.

Fuck. Just realized we’re going to have to watch her die in HD... Wonder how many kids are going to play this without knowledge of that spoiler?

They are all-time best sellers, after all.

This might be the best roundup all year but I think Most Valuable Sign might have to go to the Connor Cook’s mom one. Mom jokes are the most timeless, agressively American form of comedy.

Speaking for millenials, really? I was 12-13 when TPM came out and could tell he was terrible (Today’s opinion: He’s not great, but Lucas shares a lot of the blame for that). Most of my friends at my age all agree. Then again, we had parents who were raised on the originals, so maybe they just got us indoctrinated

Completely deserved. That’s a mighty group of finalists, but there was something about Witcher 3 that sticks with you. It was easy to forget you were playing a video game a lot of time because the world was just so damned engrossing, from geography to writing, it’s the type of game world that if you play long enough

Anyone know some good Simpsons episodes featuring Bumblebee Man? Got a hankering suddenly.

Cleveland: Haha, what losers...

Deeper-voiced Bran is going to be as old as Three-Eyed Raven by the time this show ends. And next time we see Rickon, he’ll probably be trying to grow his first mustache.

And Last Samurai.

To be fair, movie Batman (especially Bale’s) has probably killed/paralyzed/given serious splinters to many innocent civilians via collateral damage. Supes, too.

Man, that Grand Moff Tarkin is one hell of an asshole.

Oh fuck. Does this mean Pettine is taking the Jags to dynasty-status with a 6th rounder at QB in a few years?

Aaand I believe we have out next Paranormal Activity sequel.

I know I've been stealing sweet rolls every chance I get.

Redblack: You’ll regret this day, friend!

Does Megan Prichard feel better or worse that she doesn’t start for GLC?

Absolutely love the Cheers opening. Oddly, the longer version (regular song) really grates on me. Maybe it’s because I’m expecting some Ted Goddam Danson after the 1:05 mark.

LOST. Watched it every time.