
So, what are you saying? Fuck DuBois? He had it coming because he was a dirty commie? Betsy DeVos gets a pass because W.E.B. DuBois was un-American, so it’s ok that she can’t FUCKING SPELL or tell the difference between GROWTH and PROFICIENCY, or understand that GRIZZLY BEARS are not the biggest threat in schools, or

Michael wasn’t black.

Also, now that I think of it, saying “ANY REPUBLICAN” is not dissimilar to saying “ANY BLACK PERSON” or “ANY WOMAN” in context. Rhetoric is rhetoric, no matter which side it comes from.

Here is the problem with our political system. “Democrats” are no more responsive or responsible than “Republicans”. If you fill out your ballot by checking everyone in YOUR party without even reading their names, then you are a mindless sheep, and you are contributing to the problem.

It’s not about sweeping Democrats into office, it’s about sweeping people of Integrity, no matter what their party! So many Democrats can also be called corrupt and self-serving, but it all stems from a blind allegiance to PARTY above independent thought! I would LOVE to see some people of integrety elected on the

Bagdad Sean...

If she was Tommy Hilfiger, wouldn’t she be UNDER-age?

No, they are more likely to be Browncoats...


Yes. Yes I do...


Actually, the phrase “Trump transition team” fits better here.

What about Tom Brady when he’s winning?

No, that would be low-hanging pussy.

This should work well if they are taxing the legalized sex trade.

At least now the kids can learn to count in base seven...

Why? When they score, they could ring Patty LaBelle!

I could care less about this entire thread, irregardless of its originally intended meaningfullness. We shan’t conversate on this ad infinitum.

I think Megyn Kelly may be the ONLY person to emerge from this past election season not utterly submerged in shit

You can dispense with the plastique if the car is a Pinto. The radio signal from a cell phone should be enough to detonate one of those babies!