
Oh my God, it finally makes sense why literally every Hollywood actress out there wears Marchesa dresses to red carpet events, despite the fact that they are boring as fuck!

I usually hear this from men but the “shut up, you’d have it worse if you were in ____”is something I hear implied to women and minorities all the time along with “don’t like it? Go home!”. Consider yourself lucky you’re tolerated here and don’t rock the boat.

I posted about this in SNS, but was probably like the 400th comment. Last Saturday, I got catcalled when I was wearing traditional, on my way to a sunrise ceremony. I stopped at a McDonald’s near the reservation and went inside to use my travel mug for coffee. When I’ve been catcalled before, it didn’t affect me much

With Harvey out of power will we now be spared those boring Marchesa dresses on the red carpet? I know, priorities, but.

It’s sad but I believe some women, particularly a lot of older women, feel the same way as Donna Karan. I’ve heard women say “well, what did she expect dressed like that?” SMH It’s heartbreaking to hear but not surprising. It’s like they were raised to always absolve the man of any personal responsibility.

I give her a day before she posts a non apology-apology. she’s in real trouble if she doesn’t apologise, means nobody cares enough about her brand to notice when she messes up so badly.

So I can’t get hired unless I show my tits and I can’t accuse someone of sexual harassment unless I look like I’ve never had sex. Screw Karen. What a horribly tone-deaf, insensitive, sexist comment to make.

4 years ago one of her models on the runway had a boob completely out from underneath a trench coat. Which is fine and all during a fashion show, but it still makes her seem pretty hypocritical when she uses her models for provicative nudity to make money, but then says women who don’t cover up are “asking for it”

Oh FFS Donna Karan, she must be friends with Weinstein’ wife.

Wow. That’s disgusting. Thankfully other designers make beautiful wrap dresses so I don’t have to worry about giving up a favorite designer.

Wooord. Like what? I’ve met some fucked up people in my time. I mean truly damaged people who have done very bad things- sometimes when they were intoxicated. Some of them are in my own family. You can be a completely shitty person and not cross THAT line of sexual assault. I know a lot of assholes who would never

Re Affleck: His brother is a little shit AND he covered up being related to slave master’s in that PBS special so I doubt he’ll have anything useful to say.

Why? They are much more likely to have been his victims, while it’s the men who got the career boosts without having to watch Harvey jack it into a potted plant, yet there’s no way most of them didn’t know (and, as noted, Damon and Crowe got negative stories that would have exposed Weinstein spiked, so they abetted

Imagine what would happen if Rose and Leah Remini joined forces to combat both sex abuse and Scientology in Hollywood.

Damon needs to speak because a former NYT writer says he helped kill an expose on Harvey over a decade ago. He apparently made calls on his behalf as a character witness of some sort. But I hope nobody is surprised by that. He campaigned for Casey Afflecks Oscar. He constantly says stupid privileged shit about

The names that need to step up are Clooney and Damon. You want credit for being woke and progressive? Say something, motherfuckers.

The board member is responsible for each and every case after they heard the first time. And that was not last week.

According to the NYT report, Weinstein’s predilections were an open secret in the office, with women even dressing down in parkas so as avoid his attention. It seems unlikely that board members could have been unaware of his behavior, but whether they’ll take more responsibility for it remains to be seen.

The silence from big HW players is deafening. Where are the condemnations from Tarantino, Affleck and co? So far, Mark Ruffalo is the biggest male star to speak out. Waiting, but not holding my breath, for others to join him.

I’m a woman and this is the kind of movie I should want to see, since I love Sci-Fi, Action movies, superhero movies, Etc. But there is just something about this one that seems unnecessary. Like... What more could there be to say on this subject and in this world? For whatever reason it just doesn’t interest me. And