Agree it’s her choice, disagree that she is an adult. When you get to your 40's you realize 20 is still totally a fucking kid in todays world.
Agree it’s her choice, disagree that she is an adult. When you get to your 40's you realize 20 is still totally a fucking kid in todays world.
What a bunch of garbage people in the comments. HER. BODY. HER. CHOICE. Also, she’s an adult, and rich. But really, if you think about it, the Kardashian babies have been relatively not exploited.
trail·er trash
Wow. I’m certainly no fan of the Kardashian Klan, but you’re officially and definitively a bitch.
Except no....
This is a weird place for a rant about STIs. For all you know, she didn’t use a condom because the pregnancy was planned. Hell, it’s possible it was unplanned and she did use a condom.
Congrats to her! :) No snark here. I’ve seen enough gross comments against women on every media platform lately. Hope the pregnancy goes well and the bebe is healthy and happy.
Thank you for bringing the conversation back to where it should be: a mother taking difficult and drastic steps to ensure her daughter’s safety. Some of these comments are fucking disgusting.
I know. I’m not quite sure what she’s done to deserve petty criticism over her looks aside from...simply exist on TV?
Please don’t do that. Just because it’s not your choice or what you want, doesn’t mean it’s not valid for other people. There may be reasons to call this particular woman unambitious, but please don’t criticise women in general for choosing to be a stay at home mother.
But did you have the classic CD ROM game, Sabrina: Brat Attack? I might actually go and see if it can still be downloaded somewhere. There definitely levels that adult me could boss 12 year old me at now
NOOOOOOOO!!! Enough! Sabrina doesn’t need to be gritty! It was a fun lighted-hearted show and I LOVED IT. Can no one create an original idea anymore!?
No, this Administration only likes Americans who weren’t caught by hurricanes.
Okay, but that was at least made for purpose. This, emphatically, was not made for fucking.
You’re confusing upspeak with vocal fry. “Upspeak” is when, at the end of the sentence, the voice rises instead of falling. This is often interpreted as a questioning tone. Ira Glass does this all the damned time. “Vocal fry” is when the voice takes on a gravelly noise, due to the reduced tension in the vocal…
So....your counterpoint is that there is a person (man, presumably) who likes some women but not all women and therefore nothing is the result of misogyny?
I’m an academic and something about this article just hit me right in the gut. I’m the only woman in my department and junior and my (feminist) contributions are never welcome. Saying “they hate the sound of my voice” explains my whole professional experience. It’s not just not being the default male voice, I think my…
In America, the default is a male voice, usually white, although with sports there’s a little bit more diversity.
1. women
Kinja sometimes resurrects articles out of the blue. To answer your question, I’ve not seen this happen personally, but I’ve got relatives who work for the airlines and really nothing that the baggage handlers do anymore would shock me. While they may not be dropping your luggage from the plane onto the tarmac, they…
Kinja sometimes resurrects articles out of the blue. To answer your question, I’ve not seen this happen personally,…