Exploitation of poor people. And in my state, blood relatives can’t legally be paid as surrogates and non-blood surrogate has to live in a separate state.
Exploitation of poor people. And in my state, blood relatives can’t legally be paid as surrogates and non-blood surrogate has to live in a separate state.
Actually, no. Payment for these services in that range is standard. Paying more is controversial because it could mean exploitation of poor women who otherwise would not do this.
Yeah :( I feel super dumb now not to have realized it. But I was 22 and had never had a serious boyfriend. It’s worse seeing it so clearly in retrospect. I wonder if your daughter feels the same way.
Thank you for your kind words. He did turn out to be a bad person but you’re right - I know better now! :)
Can you share any of your normal-gone-bad stories?
Consigned. It took me a couple years to realize that the guy who was doing me from behind and “accidentally” kept sticking it in my butt (I kept taking it out) was actually doing it on purpose. I felt super violated even tho it was a while ago. Wish I got up and left that instant.
Sexual assault and child abuse cases are actually the hardest to get juries for because so many people have personal experiences with it. They have to call in way more jurors to get a jury than “normal”.
You’re right, I’m sorry, my anger got the best of me.
7 men and 5 women, yes that is a jury mostly of men. How do you define mostly?
Hmm that’s interesting! I would love to see more studies/research done on juries. I wonder if there’ll eventually be a way to improve the process. And I’m not gonna lie - I would love to be on a jury to hear a case and witness how it all plays out.
Yes, that’s fair, especially since you’re saying out loud in front of everyone which questions you answered yes to on the survey, so everyone flips to see which one it is.
I think this will come out eventually but I’m not sure if it’s *supposed* to.
There often is not justice for women accusing a man of anything, much less a powerful and famous one.
So there’s no justice for all of his many victims simply because he’s an old fuck? Fuck that. Maybe our prosecutors should stop going after low level drug offenders or sending people away for life because they stole one time.
Ummm it wasn’t just white women who accused him. But it’s sick you’d say that and you’d be the same person to turn around and complain women are scared of you.
Huh? Employed enough? People with financial hardship can almost always be excused (my relative works with jury duty). But it’s a different story if you *want* to be on this particular jury, as you hear about the details and names before going up for selection.
I just saw your comment after I posted mine and I agree. I’m in my 20s but never watched his show and don’t have this lovable image of him as America’s dad. If we were talking mister rogers it would be a different story!!
I guess I have trouble seeing Cosby this way because I never watched the show. I wonder if picking a jury that skews younger would help the prosecution.
We already know the gender and race of the jury. Mostly men and mostly white. But I agree with you. I was at jury selection (they picked before I went up) but I could tell most of them wanted to be on the jury and wouldn’t admit to any biases that would preclude them from being picked. Or they are simply so selfish…
So fucking true. And not just the law, but your fellow citizens don’t care about you. Yet another +1 to the status quo.