Some men just want to watch the world burner

Criterion needs to stop fucking around and get busy finally releasing that 4k digital restoration of Wim Wenders’ director’s cut of Until the End of the World that was done a few years ago.

I’m going to give this guy a money clip with $5 in it so he can buy a sense of humor.

Sounds like Netflix definitely failed to Woo you.

Show me on this dove where Woo touched you.

Now playing

I was listening to Dr. Octagonecologyst the other day and heard the sketch General Hospital.

I think some stuff got taken out in editing. I had a whole Polito anecdote in there.

For all the garbage clickbait that floods the AV Club, I want to express appreciation for articles like this that are based on actual journalistic effort, and relay insights from a properly good movie critic. It’s frankly tragic that something like this counts for just as many “clicks” (if not fewer), then some

Remember that O’Neal article about Frank Zappa? That’s how I feel about Howard Stern. Someone who is unbelievably talented, a master of his medium, enormously influential, whose output is stuff that for the most part I find unlistenable.

Really, really going to miss this column. It’s the last of what the AV Club used to be like. Very excited for your Age of Heroes column next!

I take your point, and it’s a decent one. I’m just personally sick of all of this talk about the HUSTLE. You gotta HUSTLE, bro! Get out there and CRUSH IT! How about no? How about I get paid reasonable money for a reasonable workload and you can go out there and CRUSH IT all you like? I know having a life is very last

Intresting study in dental diversity. Cruz has dozens of little lamprey teeth while the other guy appears to have one single solid tooth, as though his upper and lower mandibles have fused into one enamel plate.

This column is exactly the kind of content I want from the AV Club. It has been really entertaining (and educational) to follow along with. Now that the end is in sight, I find it rather bittersweet to see this series conclude.

It really is sad. I can always count on enjoying O’Neal’s newswires and movie reviews by IV (and to a slightly lesser extent Dowd), but there used to be many weekly/bi-weekly/monthly features that I always looked forward to, and this is the last of those.

I’m more concerned about Sorkin’s issues with women. He really doesn’t need to be writing and directing a scene where a shrink is telling a woman she’s driven to dominate because of “daddy issues”.

Gutted this column is coming to an end. It’s easily been the best featured column on the AV Club for months now, and I’m not sure there’s much else of quality left once it’s gone.

I love that the director of great fight movies, Jesse V. Johnson, can’t even get through his name without it being a face-off.  

Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.

Look, trashing Woody Allen movies as stilted rough drafts that waste good actors is old news.


Any dickhead who wonders why no one is naming names just yet, get Evan Rachel Wood’s quote tattooed on your fucking forehead so you don’t forget. Read it, take it in, remember it and stop fucking asking.

“not because I don’t plan on saying these people’s names eventually, but because to start that process is an