
Good idea! How about a roundup of info? Grand Theft Auto V: Everything We Know?

cmon bro lets go to the bar.. this post ended that was a shitty day into a uber shitty

Too bad, because this actually is better than what steam does.

What have you done, Chris.

That was a test, you chimp.

Oh god I hope their relationship doesn't take up too much focus.....the love square between Mako, Korra, Bolin, and Asami took up WAY too much focus in season 1.....

So...1M is Bruce Banner and M4 is Hulk? I can dig it!

Beautiful car, but my god that's an ugly color.

Maybe they couldn't see their PCs over the stacks of cash they've been piling up from console versions.

I was going to say "Master race PC elitists incoming in 3, 2, 1..." However, you beat me to it. Well done.

Now playing

If we get Mega evolutions, this is the only one I want:

Is anybody else sick-to-death of people whining about there being no PC version, or is that just me? Every single GTAV-related article gets several of these comments. Every post Rockstar makes on Facebook gets several of these comments. Even Youtube sees relatively frequent "PC version please" "no PC no buy" "PC

Wooo Content creator!

This article, and the Xbox one backlash in general reminds me of this:

I'm sure Russia isn't all too gay about this.

For a guy that rebranded a Lotus and claimed it as his own, he sure does get uppity about licensing and IP.

Come on Microsoft you bastards, make a 400 dollar Xbox One bundle with no Kinect and you'll have an eager customer.

Because it takes some genius to know that 400 = $5

400/500 to play AAA games for 5-10 years as opposed to a minimum 800$ gaming computer which will need a 200$ upgrade every 3 or 4 years. How are consoles overpriced?