
If you like Xbox, this was a strong showing, if you’ve never been hot on xbox, then this probably wasn’t all that much to you.

From the name alone, you just *know* that he has sideburns.

That's a nice looking 240z.

Now playing

They weren’t exactly faulty, just... inaccurate.

You can tell which McLaren 12C is an original MP4 or a later 12C by the door handles (original car had touch sensors, the face-lifted refresh had actual handles).

I thought it was Christoph Waltz

Oh boy, kotaku finally writes about Forza outside of a jalopnik-sourced review, what could it be... oh, it’s about a mobile game.

At this price point, all this does is make the “base” One S look more appealing, cause for an extra $50 you get that drive which (ignoring used games, cause who really goes that way anymore when Xbox has embraced weekly sales like Steam and everyone else?) plays 4K blu-rays, and remains good value by being the best

EA: wE ManDAtE uSiNg FroStbITe BeCaUSe iT’S PrETtY.

I keep forgetting to audition for hosting every time TG america is rebooted.

Good to know that even after splitting from Activision, Bungie’s still on its shit.

Us console players have dealt with this since day one, you don’t see us whining about...

PC master race, meet capitalism.

Remember kids, pick on the weakest console, and you get a replacement that’s better in every way.

If you’re into racers, definitely Xbox since Forza Motorsport and Horizon will scratch that itch in every way possible. Xbox also covers shooter fans with Halo MCC & 5 (multiplayer’s pretty damn good for both, with MCC having a bunch of Great single player campaigns), and Gears of War 5 for third person shooter fans.

If you’re into racers, definitely Xbox since Forza Motorsport and Horizon will scratch that itch in every way

It does have a mini-map this time; they have detailed some of the improvements they've made during the conference.

Hell, Id preorder that BL1 remaster they showed too if I could (cmon xbox marketplace, put it up already)

Well, not the first time on xbone (coughbackwardscompatibilitycough)