Suggestion: rate all games with multiplayer chat AO (Adult Only), until we figure a way out on how to kick the Nazis off.
Suggestion: rate all games with multiplayer chat AO (Adult Only), until we figure a way out on how to kick the Nazis off.
Or, OR... we can just continue doing what’s been proven to work, and just introduce them to anime.
What if all along, making games was just a front for Bethesda, to perfect the ultimate virus/bug that will end up destroying the entire world?
So... yeah, I bought this game. Croft edition, no less (season pass, the lot).
Would a weird way to think of how it works is that the electric motors are a normal engine, and the actual engine is a turbocharger that kicks in at 30 mph, and it’s permanently in the highest gear?
[contacts Jalopnik EIC to report hate speech]
I’d actually kill for a motorsport that involves running like stink from the rozzers.
It must be infuriating to be part of the Obama administration.
Oh good, we can bring back the lost industry of bootlegging.
The current state of the Impreza is weird cause Subaru wanted to make it and the WRX seperate models (the Impreza a more everyday car, the WRX a proper four door sportscar)... but then lumped them back together last year(-ish) with the current gen, which made the Impreza a smaller car again.
2010s Subaru: yeah, on point.
Alright, which is more fitting:
It still won’t have Wind Waker HD, will it?
I hate every thing about this.
The only thing that was hurting Minecraft was Notch, and thanks to Microsoft that POS can never influence it again.
Quick comment: Forza 7 does do all that HDR, native 4K, 60 fps stuff (on PC and the X1X).
I gave it all she had captain, but the lack of downforce made it impossible!
Despite being even costlier for VW (they sold each one for $1M, even though each one cost 5 times that amount to make), it was immediately hailed as one of the most impressive automotive achievements ever, and it was a few years before the competition caught up.
I realize now that I didn’t make my main point all that clear, so to make it so: I’m talking about cars that were technical marvels, WEREN’T critically lauded/well recieved when they came out, but gained recognition in the following years.