I was *wondering* where those went.
I was *wondering* where those went.
[looks at how every damn exclusive Sony showed this year is a third person game... looks at the depressing state FPS’s have found themselves in]
Bungie, please, don’t try to be “serious” again.
Third person action adventure game, third person action adventure game, third person... action adventure... game.
Wait, the Cerbera’s back? Where?
Best conference since 2015, and a massive return to form from last year.
So this is what Rockstar Studios shitting themselves sounds like
It was at first due to the imposed kinect requirements, and it’s not hard per se; the PS4 is just known for being slightly more friendly (as it damn well should be... Sony should never be forgiven for going with cell architecture for the ps3)
MCC works like a frigging dream now (and it’s getting 4K HDR improvements to boot); I went on a binge for hours, across all games, and it didn’t crash once. Also, it has an amazingly large number of people on multiplayer.
I know; my bingo card’s all fucked up now.
I’d say they still roughly equate to one another: both still have a small library of truly great exclusives (Uncharted 2, Last of Us, Puppeteer, Ni No Kuni, & Journey, vs Forza Horizon 3, Halo MCC, Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Gears of War 4) with a dozen or so “depends on who you’re asking” games…
I had roughly the similar joke brewing in my head, but had no idea how to “make it”.
And just as the Xbox One has become the PS3 of this generation, it now has its own The Last Guardian.
I’ve developed a disturbing trend where when I turn on any of my consoles (which I basically do everyday), I immediately go to the update/notifications section to see what needs a patch.
Hey, at least the Multipla was an incredibly practical car; you could forgive it for its looks.
If I were GM, I’d actually use this for the marketing.
Yes, specifically because THEY WERE BEING OVEREATEN.
I’m just here for the Nazi killing.