
The (relatively) high number, ON TOP OF actual sex multiple times a day, is what really surprised me.

Did the camera angle make that throw look slow to anyone else, right up to the last second?

Same here. Got the 2010 redesign (I was 16 at the time), and I’ve loved it ever since. Not technically my first console mind you (Gamecube tried to win me over first, but never managed to pull it off), but it was the one I bought with my own money, and it’s the one I actually played the living hell out of.

“Hassle” is putting it mildly...

Well, yeah, duh.

Have it play ALL day one games without whimpering.

Meet the new game, same as the old, old game.

First, we print out 7,649 FAKE cards to replace the real ones with-

Now THAT is scary.

I would pay so much money for that option.

Coming soon as part of the SFV: Ultimate, Hyper, AAA, +++ Edition, available on Xbox One and Nintendo [REDACTED].

Asking software engineers to unionize... something I know can be done, and yet I know won’t be done.

ANY Japanese sports car that hasn’t been modified in any way, shape, or form.

As long as it’s better than Final Wars, End of Eva, and 3.33, I’m on board with this.

I’m not sure if I should be happy that superhero TV has come such a long way in such a short time, or sad that the show that pretty much started this whole thing, and deserves so much respect for what it launched, is now one of the weaker examples out there.

It was either her, Thea (another woman), or Diggle (a black guy).

Looks great.

[pins to the “Please, be good” board, right next to No Man’s Sky, Overwatch...]

At this point, I’m full on with Image right now. I’m following half a dozen DC and Marvel titles right now, but Image just seems to be able to do no wrong. A few weak points sure, but Rat Queens, Sex Criminals, and Saga just hit it out of the park.

Console vs PC: like a cheap, dependable miata, vs a supersonic Lamborghini... that seemingly always has a fair chance of breaking down, or catching on fire.