
Bear, your guy robbed Doof Warrior for best director.

I’ve only seen a few cars in my lifetime that look as though they’re begging me to put them out of their misery.

Yes, yes, pick charmander, you fools... SO MY SQUIRTLE CAN CRUSH YOU BOTH IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE.

Cue the hold outs bitching that this game doesn’t have couch co-op... even though the number of games that did have it in 2015 was miniscule, at best...

There was a time when I could watermark the images I liked, and make a comment about how awesome they were.

Kinda wish they’d work on the headlights though. They still hold it back from looking truly fantastic.

Ah, Fisher King.

It gets irritatingly hard to fight for this medium, sometimes...

Still has a better story, characters, and overall writing than half the games on this list.

I mean this as the best thing they’ve done in five years; Flashpoint wasn’t half bad.

-Best thing DC has done since New 52?

I just can’t with TOL. The beat itself is too slow and low to get my attention, and the words, for a song about a guy “speaking his mind,” are just too... tame.

Ed Sheeran ain’t half bad... when he’s not being Ed Sheeran. Hell, Sing could pass as a great Justing Timberlake song, if JT was doing anything interesting.

If Uptown didn’t get Record of the Year, god itself would’ve come down to call bullshit on it.

... I got nothing.

Thinking about it, it wouldn’t surprise me if the/a game industry lobbied him to argue for their product(s)...

Not sure if making an obvious point for freedom of speech makes up for the blatant racism, homophobia, misogyny, and overall regressive policies.

And you people say this isn’t one of the ‘boxe’s better games.

No, it’s the one where you drive around and shoot things.