
I’m ecstatic about it. This story put a smile on my face.

No moar Knife hands.

Im not ready. I have a lot of things I’d still like to do in this one life that I am lucky enough to have.

Baby. Bath water.

I like kiffin.

Oh Marvin is going to be pissed.

20/20 That is my thinking. It was mentioned. Not enough people listened.

Well fuck.

Hes the least racist person that he knows.

I love kanye so much. His music is amazing. However, he has gotten to the point, where I really don’t want to talk about him or even bring him up in conversation. Oh well.

I love the band and the dollies.

I still love her.

You’re part of the reason she lost.

I voted for her.

I got hassled as fuck trying to purchase that for my lady friend back in the day. Had to drive to like 3 different pharmacies.

She rocks.

I love her. I love Biden too.

Yeah fuck motherfuckers with experience that know what they’re doing. Fuck that noise. Why the fuck would that be helpful.

No, he spends all his free time in the weight room. Strong Punter.

I think maybe because its just too unbelievable that they are all batshit crazy even though it is true.