Think of me as a weather man. Not a lot of spots. Small market, people hold on to those jobs for life mostly. gotta expand the search grid.
Think of me as a weather man. Not a lot of spots. Small market, people hold on to those jobs for life mostly. gotta expand the search grid.
Thank you!
Nope. I was talking to a super cute girl last night and that we were both hastagwithher kept me attempting to flirt with her. Her leather jacket and flats helped too, High energy, highlight of the night.
I really loved it. I recommend it. Fun watch. Supposed to be amazing 3d if youre in to that. Im not saw it normal. Still loved it.
30 years! Nice job! keep it rolling!
Allied health schools sometimes do things that are weird to weed out students. I survived by studying by myself and not with groups, and studying more than everyone else, and even stuff that wouldn’t be on the exam
I’m sorry.
He was taking lexapro right? So I mean they are both SSRIs but they work differently, and the mechanisms of action should be different, Lexapro releases quicker, I think, So I would guess that tapering off of them would be different as well. But maybe not.
Stairmasters always work for me, like long enough that I would want to quit and then longer still that I would forget that I was on it. And lots of fluids.
Go see a dr and get some good drugs.
I got laid off on thursday. It really caught me off guard. My current todo list, involves I need to end my lease, clean/pack/and downsize items I don’t need/ wont fit in my car. I guess file for unemployement, I guess I need to tell my student loans to hold off hopefully for a bit. And finish/turn in my job…
Fixed “.... except for tiffany, there’s something wrong about that young lady”
That was me tonight. Tomorrow is going to be rough. Esp cuz I dont think I’ll be able to validate my parking.
I mean herion right.
Damn it I need to up my cardio don’t I.
I am so jealous that you were able to be around her. I hope one day I can bump into her and apologize for not doing more to help get her elected. This is the first time in my adult life I am dissappointed I didnt have enough confindence to speak out in a red state and get involved. I tried to write her an email about…
Nice, I roll w/ cope pouches at work, and snuff or long cut outside.
Same. Whats up brother, what do you chew?