
Perhaps? But even then, I’ve put my citizenship on some applications I’ve made and those didn’t go any better. I’ve been trying my best to network, via alumni and family friends and nothing has come out of any of that either. I’m honestly starting to think that there’s something glaringly wrong with me that I’m

I’ve been applying for basically anything at this point, even things I’m crazy overqualified for and nothing is happening. I’d love to have anything to do right now, but I’m stuck living at home with my parents in the middle of nowhere, so without a car, which I need a job to afford, I can’t even get to any sort of

I’m living in the middle of suburbia with my parents and so can’t really do anything without a car, which I can’t afford without a job, so it’s a shitty catch-22 situation. Tbh, I’ve basically lost the will to do anything, I moved back home last June and almost 10 months later, I haven’t gotten a single job

I’m so sorry. I do a lot of resume/LinkedIn profile/interview consulting and it’s hard. I just spent four hours doing that with my best friend today. The numerous ways various online applications SUCK is exhausting (like I said, I do this a LOT with friends and I feel your pain).

I was unemployed for almost a year (7 months or so) and the job search was really demotivating. I also was living with my inlaws at the time, so almost in the same boat.

Oh it isn’t you, believe me. I have. Even in my “new city” for several years. It is super hard to break in. I have learned how to dine out, drink, and go to movies alone. And have met friends doing the same things by themselves!

Hey! I’m in kind of a similar boat. Two years out of undergrad, and lost a really cool job and my hopes of being able to live on my own soon. Hang in there. Job searching is the suck.

Thanks, I will try this Monday! You would not believe the “reasons” my anxiety has come up with for why she stopped texting me.

Making friends as an adult is hard, especially if you are in a new city. You basically have to force your way into a well established group of friends. Even if you are trying to connect with just this one person, she probably already has a group and is trying to figure out where or how you can fit in. My advice:

Professional Jezzies, how do you deal with the job search? I graduated college last June and have been looking for a job since Fall of 2015 and am getting nothing. I went to a pretty good school, but have a humanities degree, so maybe that’s what’s been stopping me. It’s also a bit paranoid, but I’ve recently been

It is so high school senior picture.

I do know people who made good money in accounting, but they worked really long hours to get there. So, it’s a trade-off.

Wow, really? I’m surprised to hear that! Do you live near a major/large city? I used to work with accounting students and they were very high in demand by the big firms- PwC, Deloitte, EY, KPMG. Have you applied to any spring or summer internships? That can be a great way to get your foot in the door and they usually

I may only say this because I have a bias towards it, but there are large and small consulting companies that might want to bring you on for your accounting background, and may pay better. You would just need to show them that you have other soft skills to go along with it.

Accounting is a pretty solid skill. I’d stick with it — maybe go for your CPA, study up on SOX compliance and plot a career path that leads to CFO.

Accounting has a high earning potential, but it won’t happen immediately. I went back to school and did the accounting path and my starting take home after taxes, insurance, etc. is about $1100/2 weeks. Just started in August. The point for me was the long term - I think it’s worth it! Stick it out!

I went to Christmas Eve mass for the first time in years. I took my agnostic husband with me, who was bewildered throughout. But ya know, I really enjoyed being there. Reminded me of lots of happy family memories growing up. I might turn back up for Easter as well.

I’m doing an absolutely horrendous job with wrapping presents this year. Normally I’m aces but this year they look godawful. I’m also watching Love Actually (shaddup) and attempting to eat this bootleg mac n’ cheese I made that has a tendency to disagree with the meds I’m coming off of (stupid sinus infection).

Good for you! Using a mix is only cheating if you’re a professional chef or the like otherwise they have my seal of approval good job!

I made creme brûlée. I’ll report back how they turned out.