Übermoose is loose in the greys

Local governments had trouble staffing posts for lifeguards. This led to most of the state pools at state parks to close. Most of those parks are fairly remote (so gas+time for $9.00/hr). Even teens were disinterested in a summer job that paid shit. Guess what? Local governments raised their pay around here to

Think about this. A foreign company had to sue the state of Florida in order to implement common sense safety measures (yeah, cruise ships sailing the world full of covid is a good idea somehow) because DeSantis is apparently in some unofficial contest to be the world’s stupidest man.

And man, is the business community getting salty about this. I have seen so many passive-aggressive signs in store windows complaining that “no one wants to work anymore =( ” as if the whole problem is lazy people and not basic economics.

I feel like another real improvement would be to stop companies in a number of industries from allowing customers to bully and mistreat workers. Companies are so thirsty for every last cent that they’ll empower any and all customers to terrorize workers and make their lives miserable. Most customers don’t take the

Because it is literally a death cult bathed in some half-assed fascist social Darwinist nonsense.

Brittany Commisso, who handled administrative tasks for the governor in the executive chamber, told CBS News’s Face the Nation that she believes Cuomo’s treatment of her “was a crime.”

it always cracks me up when people point to the $7.25 minimum wage and say it’s intended for high-school age kids to earn, not for adults to try to survive or raise a family on... while they go to fast food places during lunch, shop at WalMart during a quick work break, and go see a matinee movie in the middle of

If somebody medically can’t get the vaccine, it’s far too dangerous for them to take a TOTALLY OPTIONAL PLEASURE CRUISE during a worldwide pandemic. Get your fucking shit together.

Conservatives only like the free market when it benefits the owners, not the workers.

I don’t get why the Republican party has gone all in on dying.

A lot of people (both on the left and right) complain about “security theater” in the wake of 9/11 — the way we have to take off our shoes, not pack water, not be able to go through security as a non-passenger to meet arriving friends and relatives at their gate or to keep them company before their plane leaves the

It stands for “we fired all our editors”

Include the fact that $9 million actually buys a shitload of advertising. At only .1c an ad that’s 900 million ad impressions. Not insignificant when you add in the targeting capabilities of FB ads. I’ll bet that number is low anyway and Google ads are probably a much a bigger amount. Mobile ads, another channel,

but then that would be communism

A hell of a lot of liberals still like to get very, very quiet about Bill Clinton- I think largely out of support for Hillary. I mean we still can’t even really have conversations about Biden.

I was less than satisfied with Biden’s response yesterday, mostly because he’s towing the same line as Cuomo, a fellow space invader, that their own intensions of touching others are what matters.

People you know won’t do the right thing not doing the right thing is no reason to do the wrong thing.

Someone needs to explain to him that it's still sexual harrasment even if he does it to everyone or didn't "mean it" sexually.


I’m autistic so my guide is this: