Taint that the truth.
You da real MVP John Brooks.
Fetty WARP
Friend me, Patricia! Dessa#11441! You always cover the best beats at Kotaku
When I was in college, these games would come on after rugby matches. When they showed the refs, seemingly every time they scored, our South African guy we had would yell out “HOW BIG’S YOUR DICK?” Cue the referee’s signal.
I probably shouldn’t be talking. I support Liverpool (and I’m an unbound MLS supporter).
Look, soccer is just too boring for a guy who has spent 5 hours a day for 30 years debating middle reliever usage in regular season baseball games.
I refuse to masturbate on the anniversary of my father’s death. #honoryourfather
You’d think Michael J. Fox would have better things to capture on Vine.
I love any excuse to post a Kenny Powers gif
This is Leicester we’re talking about here; was there any doubt that their championship finish was going to come on anything other than a fucking Thai?
I’ll kick in another $100 and a Chipotle gift card.