

Eh, I’m latino and I’m 100% pro Trump.

I look forward to the fun he’ll provide the world’s non american populace.

Hate watchers count. I’m guessing there will be enough of those to make this the most watched episode of SNL this season. Perhaps several seasons, it’s not like viewership has been great lately.

The author of this article is engaging in typical Clinton slanderous, unsubstantiated race baiting. I use my own name, and my history is on line going back to the 90’s when I supported Bill Clinton, and authored some of his strategy. I am supporting Trump because he is the right person, at the right time for the job.

So sick of this... Ahmed didn’t build a clock. It’s painfully obvious He bought a clock, took it apart and then put it into a small suitcase. Then for whatever reason, decided it would be a cool idea to take it to school? To show a teacher? Show him a clock you bought? Come on... This looked like a bomb and you damn

> Gamergate = harassment

he just started parroting things he’d clearly read rather than formed via his own opinion.

Nobody this age, feminist or gamergater or anyone else, really has fully formed opinions and mostly parrots what they have read as you say.

I’m pretty sure these were not “pro-immigration protesters”. They were, I’m sure, “pro-illegal immigration protesters”. But, nice try.

Ok, here we go.... As the son of a Retired Marine Corp Col. who served in Vietnam, the first Gulf War, was given the last rites twice as head of security of the Pentagon after pulling dead and dying bodies out of the twisted carnage, got anthrax poisoning, and whose humvee was hit by an IED when he took over training

So it wasn’t the looting and burning down Baltimore and Ferguson that perverted the BLM movement? It’s republicans fault?

If they resisted the urge to chant "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!" and "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!" It would be harder to make that case.

So you’re going to vote for an old Communist or a boring liar? Who’s the crazy one?

Challenge: This is the most liberal site I’ve read (yes, even worse than the Huffington Post). If Deadspin releases an article dissing the Democratic ticket, then I will post a video of myself running naked across a tennis court.

So they offended you so now all of a sudden they aren’t good anymore?

1) The GamerGate stuff you’ve read is probably one sided propaganda. I’ve yet to see equal coverage of that whole situation on any of these sites or much of anywhere I visit.

“This is the only part of the episode you’re allowed to laugh at.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t mention how great it was that South Park acknowledged the beauty and heroism of Caitlyn Jenner. You wanna go?!?”

As a veteran of Iraq, I witnesses first hand how a small group of urban guerillas armed only with AK-47s, RPGs, and bombs made from supplies you could buy at a local hardware store can cause difficulties for the most technologically advanced military in the world.

Similar lesson was learned in Vietnam. So, this idea